Security provisions

ADR 2025
DefinitionHigh consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption.
Introductory remarksChapter 1.10 SECURITY PROVISIONS

NOTE: For the purposes of this Chapter, security means measures or precautions to be taken to minimise theft or misuse of dangerous goods that may endanger persons, property or the environment.
Paragraph 1.10.1 General Provisions
1.10.1 General provisions All persons engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods shall consider the security requirements set out in this Chapter commensurate with their responsibilities. Dangerous goods shall only be offered for carriage to carriers that have been appropriately identified. Areas within temporary storage terminals, temporary storage sites, vehicle depots, berthing areas and marshalling yards used for the temporary storage during carriage of dangerous goods shall be properly secured, well lit and, where possible and appropriate, not accessible to the general public. Each member of a vehicle crew shall carry with them means of identification, which includes their photograph, during carriage of dangerous goods. Safety inspections in accordance with 1.8.1 and shall cover appropriate security measures. The competent authority shall maintain up-to-date registers of all valid training certificates for drivers stipulated in 8.2.1 issued by it or by any recognized organization.
Paragraph 1.10.2 Security training
1.10.2 Security training The training and the refresher training specified in Chapter 1.3 shall also include elements of security awareness. The security refresher training need not be linked to regulatory changes only. Security awareness training shall address the nature of security risks, recognising security risks, methods to address and reduce such risks and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach. It shall include awareness of security plans (if appropriate) commensurate with the responsibilities and duties of individuals and their part in implementing security plans. Such training shall be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods transport and shall be periodically supplemented with refresher training. Records of all security training received shall be kept by the employer and made available to the employee or competent authority, upon request. Records shall be kept by the employer for a period of time established by the competent authority.
Paragraph 1.10.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods
1.10.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods

NOTE: In addition to the security provisions of ADR, competent authorities may implement further security provisions for reasons other than safety during carriage (see also Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Agreement). In order not to impede international and multimodal carriage by different explosives security marks, it is recommended that such marks be formatted consistent with an internationally harmonized standard (e.g. European Union Commission Directive 2008/43/EC). Definition of high consequence dangerous goods High consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption. High consequence dangerous goods in classes other than Class 7 are those listed in Table and carried in quantities greater than those indicated therein. to apply to radioactive material Security plans Carriers, consignors and other participants specified in 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 engaged in the carriage of high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see shall adopt, implement and comply with a security plan that addresses at least the elements specified in The security plan shall comprise at least the following elements:

(a) Specific allocation of responsibilities for security to competent and qualified persons with appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities;

(b) Records of dangerous goods or types of dangerous goods concerned;

(c) Review of current operations and assessment of security risks, including any stops necessary to the transport operation, the keeping of dangerous goods in the vehicle, tank or container before, during and after the journey and the intermediate temporary storage of dangerous goods during the course of intermodal transfer or transhipment between units as appropriate;

(d) Clear statement of measures that are to be taken to reduce security risks, commensurate with the responsibilities and duties of the participant, including:
- training;
- security policies (e.g. response to higher threat conditions, new employee/employment verification, etc.);
- operating practices (e.g. choice/use of routes where known, access to dangerous goods in intermediate temporary storage (as defined in (c)), proximity to vulnerable
infrastructure etc.);
- equipment and resources that are to be used to reduce security risks;

(e) Effective and up to date procedures for reporting and dealing with security threats, breaches of security or security incidents;

(f) Procedures for the evaluation and testing of security plans and procedures for periodic review and update of the plans;

(g) Measures to ensure the physical security of transport information contained in the security plan; and

(h) Measures to ensure that the distribution of information relating to the transport operation contained in the security plan is limited to those who need to have it. Such measures shall not preclude the provision of information required elsewhere in ADR.

NOTE: Carriers, consignors and consignees should co-operate with each other and with competent authorities to exchange threat information, apply appropriate security measures and respond to security incidents. Devices, equipment or arrangements to prevent the theft of the vehicle carrying high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see and its cargo, shall be applied and measures taken to ensure that these are operational and effective at all times. The application of these protective measures shall not jeopardize emergency response.

NOTE: When appropriate and already fitted, the use of transport telemetry or other tracking methods or devices should be used to monitor the movement of high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see
Paragraph 1.10.4
The requirements of 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.10.3 and (d) do not apply when the quantities carried in tanks or in bulk on a transport unit do not exceed those referred to in In addition the provisions of this Chapter do not apply to the carriage of UN No. 2912 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (LSA-I) and UN No. 2913 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, SURFACE CONTAMINATED OBJECTS (SCO-I).
Paragraph 1.10.5
For radioactive material, the provisions of this Chapter are deemed to be complied with when the provisions of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/274/Rev.1, IAEA, Vienna (1980)) and the IAEA circular on "Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities" (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5, IAEA, Vienna (2011)) are applied.

RID 2025
DefinitionHigh consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption.
Introductory remarksChapter 1.10 Security provisions

NOTE: For the purposes of this Chapter, security means measures or precautions to be taken to minimise theft or misuse of dangerous goods that may endanger persons, property or the environment.
Paragraph 1.10.1 General Provisions
1.10.1 General provisions All persons engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods shall consider the security requirements set out in this Chapter commensurate with their responsibilities. Dangerous goods shall only be offered for carriage to carriers that have been appropriately identified. Areas within temporary storage terminals, temporary storage sites, vehicle depots, berthing areas and marshalling yards used for temporary storage during carriage of dangerous goods shall be properly secured, well lit and, where possible and appropriate, not accessible to the general public. Each crew member of a train carrying dangerous goods shall carry with them means of identification, which includes their photograph, during carriage. Safety inspections in accordance with 1.8.1 shall cover appropriate security measures. (Reserved)
Paragraph 1.10.2 Security training
1.10.2 Security training The training and the refresher training specified in Chapter 1.3 shall also include elements of security awareness. The security refresher training need not be linked to regulatory changes only. Security awareness training shall address the nature of security risks, recognising security risks, methods to address and reduce such risks and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach. It shall include awareness of security plans (if appropriate) commensurate with the responsibilities and duties of individuals and their part in implementing security plans. Such training shall be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods transport and shall be periodically supplemented with refresher training. Records of all security training received shall be kept by the employer and made available to the employee or competent authority, upon request. Records shall be kept by the employer for a period of time established by the competent authority.
Paragraph 1.10.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods
1.10.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods

NOTE: In addition to the security provisions of RID, competent authorities may implement further security provisions for reasons other than safety during carriage (see also Article 3 of Appendix C to COTIF). In order not to impede international and multimodal carriage by different explosives security marks, it is recommended that such marks be formatted consistent with an internationally harmonized standard (e.g. European Union Commission Directive 2008/43/EC). Definition of high consequence dangerous goods High consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption. High consequence dangerous goods in classes other than Class 7 are those listed in Table and carried in quantities greater than those indicated therein. to apply to radioactive material Security plans Carriers, consignors and other participants specified in 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 engaged in the carriage of high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see shall adopt, implement and comply with a security plan that addresses at least the elements specified in The security plan shall comprise at least the following elements:

(a) specific allocation of responsibilities for security to competent and qualified persons with appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities;

(b) records of dangerous goods or types of dangerous goods concerned;

(c) review of current operations and assessment of security risks, including any stops necessary to the transport operation, the keeping of dangerous goods in the wagon, tank or container before, during and after the journey and the intermediate temporary storage of dangerous goods during the course of intermodal transfer or transshipment between units, as appropriate;

(d) clear statement of measures that are to be taken to reduce security risks, commensurate with the responsibilities and duties of the participant, including:
- training;
- security policies (e.g. response to higher threat conditions, new employee/employment verification, etc.);
- operating practices (e.g. choice/use of routes where known, access to dangerous goods in intermediate temporary storage (as defined in (c)), proximity to vulnerable infrastructure etc.);
- equipment and resources that are to be used to reduce security risks;

(e) effective and up to date procedures for reporting and dealing with security threats, breaches of security or security incidents;

(f) procedures for the evaluation and testing of security plans and procedures for periodic review and update of the plans;

(g) measures to ensure the physical security of transport information contained in the security plan; and

(h) measures to ensure that the distribution of information relating to the transport operation contained in the security plan is limited to those who need to have it. Such measures shall not preclude the provision of information required elsewhere in RID.

NOTE: Carriers, consignors and consignees should cooperate with each other and with competent authorities to exchange threat information, apply appropriate security measures and respond to security incidents. Devices, equipment or arrangements to prevent the theft of the train or wagon carrying high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see and its cargo, shall be applied and measures taken to ensure that these are operational and effective at all times. The application of these protective measures shall not jeopardize emergency response.

NOTE: When appropriate and already fitted, the use of transport telemetry or other tracking methods or devices should be used to monitor the movement of high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see
Paragraph 1.10.4
The provisions of 1.10.1, 1.10.2 and 1.10.3 do not apply when the quantities carried in packages in a wagon or large container do not exceed those referred to in, except for high consequence dangerous goods of Class 1 (in accordance with and except for UN numbers 2910 and 2911 if the activity level exceeds the A2 value. In addition, the provisions of 1.10.1, 1.10.2 and 1.10.3 do not apply when the quantities carried in tanks or in bulk in a wagon or container do not exceed those referred to in In addition the provisions of this Chapter do not apply to the carriage of UN No. 2912 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (LSA-I) and UN No. 2913 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, SURFACE CONTAMINATED OBJECTS (SCO-I).
Paragraph 1.10.5
For radioactive material, the provisions of this Chapter are deemed to be complied with when the provisions of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/274/Rev.1, IAEA, Vienna (1980)) and the IAEA circular on "Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities" (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5, IAEA, Vienna (2011)) are applied.

ADN 2025
DefinitionHigh consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption.
Introductory remarksChapter 1.10 SECURITY PROVISIONS

NOTE: For the purposes of this Chapter, "security" means measures or precautions to be taken to minimise theft or misuse of dangerous goods that may endanger persons, property or the environment.
Paragraph 1.10.1 General Provisions
1.10.1 General provisions All persons engaged in the carriage of dangerous goods shall consider the security requirements set out in this Chapter commensurate with their responsibilities. Dangerous goods shall only be offered for carriage to carriers that have been appropriately identified. Holding areas in trans-shipment zones for dangerous goods shall be secured, well lit and, where possible and appropriate, not accessible to the general public. For each crew member of a vessel carrying dangerous goods, means of identification, which includes a photograph, shall be on board during carriage. Safety checks in accordance with 1.8.1 shall also concern the implementation of security measures. The competent authority shall maintain up-to-date registers of all valid certificates for experts stipulated in 8.2.1 issued by it or by any recognized organization.
Paragraph 1.10.2 Security training
1.10.2 Security training The training and the refresher training specified in Chapter 1.3 shall also include elements of security awareness. The security refresher training need not be linked to regulatory changes only. Security awareness training shall address the nature of security risks, recognising security risks, methods to address and reduce such risks and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach. It shall include awareness of security plans (if appropriate) commensurate with the responsibilities and duties of individuals and their part in implementing security plans. Such training shall be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods transport and shall be periodically supplemented with refresher training. Records of all security training received shall be kept by the employer and made available to the employee or competent authority, upon request. Records shall be kept by the employer for a period of time established by the competent authority.
Paragraph 1.10.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods
1.10.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods

NOTE: In addition to the security provisions of ADN, competent authorities may implement further security provisions for reasons other than safety during carriage (see also Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Agreement). In order not to impede international and multimodal carriage by different explosives security marks, it is recommended that such marks be formatted consistent with an internationally harmonized standard (e.g. European Union Commission Directive 2008/43/EC). Definition of high consequence dangerous goods High consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption. High consequence dangerous goods in classes other than Class 7 are those listed in Table and carried in quantities greater than those indicated therein. to apply to radioactive material Security plans Carriers, consignors and other participants specified in 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 engaged in the carriage of high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see shall adopt, implement and comply with a security plan that addresses at least the elements specified in The security plan shall comprise at least the following elements:

(a) specific allocation of responsibilities for security to competent and qualified persons with appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities;

(b) records of dangerous goods or types of dangerous goods concerned;

(c) review of current operations and assessment of security risks, including any stops necessary to the transport operation, the keeping of dangerous goods in the vessel, tank or container before, during and after the journey and the intermediate temporary storage of dangerous goods during the course of intermodal transfer or transshipment between units;

(d) clear statement of measures that are to be taken to reduce security risks, commensurate with the responsibilities and duties of the participant, including:
- training;
- security policies (e.g. response to higher threat conditions, new employee/employment verification, etc.);
- operating practices (e.g. choice/use of routes where known, access to dangerous goods in intermediate temporary storage (as defined in (c)), proximity to vulnerable infrastructure etc.);
- equipment and resources that are to be used to reduce risks;

(e) effective and up to date procedures for reporting and dealing with security threats, breaches of security or security incidents;

(f) procedures for the evaluation and testing of security plans and procedures for periodic review and update of the plans;

(g) measures to ensure the physical security of transport information contained in the security plan; and

(h) measures to ensure that the distribution of information relating to the transport operation contained in the security plan is limited to those who need to have it. Such measures shall not preclude the provision of information required elsewhere in ADN.

NOTE: Carriers, consignors and consignees should co-operate with each other and with competent authorities to exchange threat information, apply appropriate security measures and respond to security incidents. Operational or technical measures shall be taken on vessels carrying high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or high consequence radioactive material (see in order to prevent the improper use of the vessel and of the dangerous goods.

The application of these protective measures shall not jeopardize emergency response.

NOTE: When appropriate and already fitted, the use of transport telemetry or other tracking methods or devices should be used to monitor the movement of high consequence dangerous goods (see Table or
Paragraph 1.10.4
The provisions of this Chapter do not apply to the carriage of UN No. 2912 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (LSA-I) and UN No. 2913 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, SURFACE CONTAMINATED OBJECTS (SCO-I).
Paragraph 1.10.5
For radioactive material, the provisions of this Chapter are deemed to be complied with when the provisions of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/274/Rev.1, IAEA, Vienna (1980)) and the IAEA circular on "Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities" (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5, IAEA, Vienna (2011)) are applied.

IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24
DefinitionHigh consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist incident and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties or mass destruction.
Introductory remarksSecurity provisions

1.4.0 Scope This chapter provides provisions intended to address the security of dangerous goods in transport by sea. National competent authorities may apply additional security provisions, which should be considered when offering or transporting dangerous goods. The provisions of this chapter remain recommendatory except (see The provisions of 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 do not apply to:

.1 UN 2908 and UN 2909 excepted packages;
.2 UN 2910 and UN 2911 excepted packages with an activity level not exceeding the A2 value; and
.3 UN 2912 LSA-I and UN 2913 SCO-I.
Paragraph 1.4.1 General Provisions for companies, ships and harbour facilities
1.4.1 General provisions for companies, ships and port facilities 1) The relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74, as amended, and of part A of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code apply to companies, ships and port facilities engaged in the transport of dangerous goods and to which regulation XI-2 of SOLAS 74, as amended, apply taking into account the guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code. For cargo ships of less than 500 gross tons engaged in the transport of dangerous goods, it is recommended that Contracting Governments to SOLAS 74, as amended, consider security provisions for these cargo ships. Any shore-based company personnel, ship based personnel and port facility personnel engaged in the transport of dangerous goods should be aware of the security requirements for such goods, in addition to those specified in the ISPS Code, and commensurate with their responsibilities. The training of the company security officer, shore-based company personnel having specific security duties, port facility security officer and port facility personnel having specific duties, engaged in the transport of dangerous goods, should also include elements of security awareness related to those goods. All shipboard personnel and port facility personnel which are not mentioned in and are engaged in the transport of dangerous goods should be familiar with the provisions of the relevant security plans related to those goods, commensurate with their responsibilities.

1) Refer to MSC.1/Circ.1341 on Guidelines on security-related training and familiarization for port facility personnel and to MSC.1/ Circ.1188 on Guidelines on training and certification for port facility security officers.
Paragraph 1.4.2 General provisions for staff
1.4.2 General provisions for shore-side personnel For the purpose of this subsection, Shore-side personnel covers individuals mentioned in However, the provisions of 1.4.2 do not apply to:

- the company security officer and appropriate shore-based company personnel mentioned in 13.1 of part A of the ISPS Code,

- the ship security officer and the shipboard personnel mentioned in 13.2 and 13.3 of part A of the ISPS Code,

- the port facility security officer, the appropriate port facility security personnel and the port facility personnel having specific security duties mentioned in 18.1 and 18.2 of part A of the ISPS Code.

For the training of those officers and personnel, refer to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. Shore-side personnel engaged in transport by sea of dangerous goods should consider security provisions for the transport of dangerous goods commensurate with their responsibilities. Security training The training of shore-side personnel, as specified in chapter 1.3, shall also include elements of security awareness. Security awareness training should address the nature of security risks, recognizing security risks, methods to address and reduce risks and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach. It should include awareness of security plans (if appropriate, refer to 1.4.3) commensurate with the responsibilities of individuals and their part in implementing security plans. Such training should be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods transport and should be periodically supplemented with retraining. Records of all security training undertaken should be kept by the employer and made available to the employee if requested.
Paragraph 1.4.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods
1.4.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods Definition of high consequence dangerous goods High consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption. An indicative list of high consequence dangerous goods in classes and divisions other than Class 7 is given in Table 1.4.1 below.

Table 1.4.1 : Indicative list of high consequence dangerous goods

Class 1 Division 1.1 explosives

Class 1 Division 1.2 explosives

Class 1 Division 1.3 compatibility group C explosives

Class 1 Division 1.4. UN Nos. 0104, 0237, 0255, 0267, 0289, 0361, 0365, 0366, 0440, 0441, 0455, 0456, 0500, 0512 and 0513

Class 1 Division 1.5 explosives

Class 1 Division 1.6 explosives

Class 2.1 Flammable gases in quantities greater than 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon or a portable tank

Class 2.3 Toxic gases

Class 3 Flammable liquids of packing groups I and II in quantities greater than 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon or a portable tank

Class 3 Desensitised liquid explosives

Class 4.1 Desensitised solid explosives

Class 4.2 Goods of packing group I in quantities greater than 3000 kg or 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon, a portable tank or a bulk container

Class 4.3 Goods of packing group I in quantities greater than 3000 kg or 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon, a portable tank or a bulk container

Class 5.1 Oxidizing liquids of packing group I in quantities greater than 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon or a portable tank

Class 5.1 Perchlorates, ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate fertilisers and ammonium nitrate emulsions or suspensions or gels in quantities greater than 3000 kg or 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon, a portable tank or a bulk container

Class 6.1 Toxic substances of packing group I

Class 6.2 Infectious substances of Category A (UN 2814 and UN 2900) and medical waste of Category A (UN 3549)

Class 7 Radioactive material in quantities greater than 3000 A1 (special from) or 3000 A2, as applicable, in type B(U) or type B(M) or type C packages

Class 8 Corrosive substances of packing group I in quantities greater than 3000 kg or 3000 l in a road tank vehicle, a railway tank wagon, a portable tank or a bulk container

For purposes of non-proliferation of nuclear material, the Con4vention on Physical Protection of Nuclear material applies to international transport, supported by IAEA INFCIRC/225 (Rev.4) The provisions of this section do not apply to ships and to port facilities (see the ISPS Code for ship security plan and for port facility security plan). Consignors and others engaged in the transport of high consequence dangerous goods should adopt, implement and comply with a security plan that addresses at least the elements specified in The security plan should comprise at least the following elements:

.1 specific allocation of responsibilities for security to competent and qualified persons with appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities;

.2 records of dangerous goods or types of dangerous goods transported;

.3 review of current operations and assessment of vulnerabilities, including intermodal transfer, temporary transit storage, handling and distribution, as appropriate;

.4 clear statements of measures, including training, policies (including response to higher threat conditions, new employee/employment verification, etc.), operating practices (e.g. choice/use of routes where known, access to dangerous goods in temporary storage, proximity to vulnerable infrastructure, etc.), equipment and resources that are to be used to reduce security risks;

.5 effective and up to date procedures for reporting and dealing with security threats, breaches of security or security incidents;

.6 procedures for the evaluation and testing of security plans and procedures for periodic review and update of the plans;

.7 measures to ensure the security of transport information contained in the plan; and

.8 measures to ensure that the distribution of transport information is limited as far as possible. (Such measures shall not preclude provision of transport documentation required by chapter 5.4 of this Code.)
Paragraph For radioactive material, the provisions of this chapter are deemed to be complied with when the provisions of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material *) and the IAEA circular on The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities **) are applied.

*) IAEACIRC/274/Rev.1, IAEA, Vienna (1980).
**) IAEACIRC/225/Rev.4 (Corrected), IAEA, Vienna (1999). See also "Guidance and Considerations for the Implementation of INFCIRC/225/Rev.4, the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities, IAEA-TECDoc-967/Rev.1."

ICAO TI 2025 - 2026
DefinitionHigh consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption.

Note 1. - This Chapter addresses the security responsibilities of operators, shippers and others involved in the transport of dangerous goods aboard aircraft. It should be noted that Annex 17 - Security, provides comprehensive requirements for implementation of security measures by States to prevent unlawful interference with civil aviation or when such interference has been committed. In addition, the Aviation Security Manual (Doc 8973 - Restricted) provides procedures and guidance on aspects of aviation security and is intended to assist States in the implementation of their respective national civil aviation security programmes. The requirements in this Chapter are intended to supplement the requirements of Annex 17 and to implement measures to be taken to minimize theft or misuse of dangerous goods that may endanger persons or property. The provisions of this Chapter do not supersede requirements of Annex 17 or the Aviation Security Manual.

Note 2. - In addition to the security provisions of these Instructions, appropriate national authorities may implement further security provisions for reasons other than safety of dangerous goods during transport. In order to not impede international and multimodal transport by different explosives security marks, it is recommended that such marks be formatted consistent with an internationally harmonized standard (e.g. European Union Commission Directive 2008/43/EC).
Paragraph 5.1 General Provisions

5.1.1 All persons engaged in the transport of dangerous goods should consider security requirements for the dangerous goods commensurate with their responsibilities.

5.1.2 Dangerous goods should only be offered to operators that have been appropriately identified.

5.1.3 The provisions of this chapter do not apply to:

a) UN 2908 and UN 2909 excepted packages;
b) UN 2910 and UN 2911 excepted packages with an activity level not exceeding the A2 value; and
c) UN 2912 LSA-I and UN 2913 SCO-I.
Paragraph 5.2 Security training

5.2.1 The training specified in 1;4.2 should include elements of security awareness.

5.2.2 Security awareness training should address the nature of security risks recognizing security risks methods to address and reduce such risks and actions to be taken in the event of a security breach. It should include awareness of security plans (if appropriate) commensurate with the responsibilities of individuals and their part in implementing security plans.

Note. - Persons that have received security training in accordance with the requirements of a National Security Plan or other security requirements that fulfil the elements of 5.2.2 need not receive additional training.

5.2.3 Such training should be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods transport. Recurrent training should take place within 24 months of previous training to ensure knowledge is current.

5.2.4 Records of all dangerous goods security training undertaken should be kept by the employer and made available to the employee or appropriate national authority, upon request. Records should be kept by the employer for a period of time established by the appropriate national authority.
Paragraph 5.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods
5.3 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods

5.3.1 Definition of high consequence dangerous goods High consequence dangerous goods are those which have the potential for misuse in a terrorist event and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties, mass destruction or, particularly for Class 7, mass socio-economic disruption. An indicative list of high consequence dangerous goods in classes and divisions other than Class 7 is given in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5. Indicative list of high consequence dangerous goods

Class 1 Division 1.1 explosives
Class 1 Division 1.2 explosives
Class 1 Division 1.3 compatability group C explosives
Class 1 Division 1.4 UN Nos. 0104, 0237, 0255, 0267, 0289, 0361, 0365, 0366, 0440, 0441, 0455, 0456, 0500, 0512 and 0513
Class 1 Division 1.5 explosives
Class 1 Division 1.6 explosives
Division 2.3 toxic gases (excluding aerosols)
Class 3 desensitized explosives
Class 4.1 desensitized explosives
Division 6.1 substances of Packing Group I; except when transported under the excepted quantity provisions in 1;2.4
Division 6.2 infectious substances of Category A (UN Nos. 2814 and 2900)
and medical waste of Category A (UN 3549) For dangerous goods of Class 7, high consequence radioactive material is that with an activity equal to or greater than a transport security threshold of 3 000 A2 per single package (see also 2; except for the following radionuclides where the transport security threshold is given in Table 1-6 below. For mixtures of radionuclides, determination of whether or not the transport security threshold has been met or exceeded can be calculated by summing the ratios of activity present for each radionuclide divided by the transport security threshold for that radionuclide. If the sum of the fractions is less than 1, then the radioactivity threshold for the mixture has not been met nor exceeded.

This calculation can be made with the formula:

SUM i((Ai/Ti) < 1

Ai = activity of radionuclide i that is present in a package (TBq)
Ti = transport security threshold for radionuclide i (TBq). When radioactive material possess subsidiary hazards of other classes or divisions, the criteria of Table 1-5 should also be taken into account (see also 1;6.5).
Paragraph 5.4 Security plans

5.4.1 Operators, shippers and others (including infrastructure managers) engaged in the transport of high consequence dangerous goods (see 5.3.1) should adopt, implement and comply with a security plan that addresses at least the elements specified in 5.4.2.

Note. - When national authorities issue exemptions, they should consider all of the provisions in this Chapter.

5.4.2 The security plan should comprise at least the following elements:

a) specific allocation of responsibilities for security to competent and qualified persons with appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities;

b) records of dangerous goods or types of dangerous goods transported;

c) review of current operations and assessment of vulnerabilities, including inter-modal transfer temporary transit storage, handling and distribution as appropriate;

d) clear statement of measures including training policies (including response to higher threat conditions new employee/employment verifications etc.) operating practices (e.g. access to dangerous goods in temporary storage proximity to vulnerable infrastructure etc), equipment and resources that are to be used to reduce security risks;

e) effective and up-to-date procedures for reporting and dealing with security threats, breaches of security or security incidents;

f) procedures for the evaluation and testing of security plans and procedures for periodic review and update of the plans;

g) measures to ensure the security of transport information contained in the plan; and

h) measures to ensure that the security of the distribution of transport documentation is limited as far as possible, (such measures must not preclude provision of the transport documentation required by Part 5, Chapter 4 of these instructions).

Note. - Operators, shippers and others with responsibilities for the safe and secure transport of dangerous goods should cooperate with each other and with appropriate authorities to exchange threat information, apply appropriate security measures and respond to security incidents.
Paragraph 5.5 Radioactive material

For radioactive material, the provisions of this chapter are deemed to be complied with when the provisions of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (INFCIRC/274/Rev.1, IAEA, Vienna (1980)) and the IAEA circular on "Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities" INFCIRC/225/Rev.5 (Corrected), IAEA, Vienna (2011) are applied.

Note: The data of Dangerous Goods Database has been compiled in good faith, liability for their accuracy can not be guaranteed.