

BAM nameger.Radioaktive Stoffe, freigestelltes Versandstück, Instrumente, gasförmig
engl.Radioactive material, excepted package - instruments, gas
fr.Matières radioactives, en colis exceptés, appareils, gazeux


 ADR 2025RID 2025ADN 2025IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24ICAO TI 2025 - 2026UN Rec. 23rd rev. ed.
UN No.291129112911291129112911
Package type, exclusive usepackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restricted
Package type, non-exclusive usepackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restrictedpackaging not restricted
Transport category44
EmS F-I, S-S
Special provisions290290290290A130290

German proper shipping name


English proper shipping name

ICAO TI 2025 - 2026Radioactive material, excepted package - instruments

French proper shipping name



Labelling for packages and small container

ADR 2025 No labelling needed but the packages have to be legibly and durably marked on the outside of the packaging with the UN number preceeded by the letters "UN", the identification of either the consignor or consignee, or both and the permissible gross mass if this exeeds 50 kg.
RID 2025 No labelling needed but the packages have to be legibly and durably marked on the outside of the packaging with the UN number preceeded by the letters "UN", the identification of either the consignor or consignee, or both and the permissible gross mass if this exeeds 50 kg.
ADN 2025 No labelling needed but the packages have to be legibly and durably marked on the outside of the packaging with the UN number preceeded by the letters "UN", the identification of either the consignor or consignee, or both and the permissible gross mass if this exeeds 50 kg.
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24 No labelling needed but the packages have to be legibly and durably marked on the outside of the packaging with the UN number preceeded by the letters "UN", the identification of either the consignor or consignee, or both and the permissible gross mass if this exeeds 50 kg.
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026
Notice: packages of radioactive material having other hazardous properties must bear the corresponding labels for the subsidiary risks.

Labelling for vehicles

ADR 2025 No labelling needed.
RID 2025 No labelling needed.
ADN 2025Labelling of vehicles on ships - if transport in vehicles is allowed - has to be done according to ADR, RID or IMDG Code.
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24
No labelling needed. Vehicles on ships have to be labelled as shown on the left.
Notice: packages of radioactive material having other hazardous properties must bear the corresponding labels for the subsidiary risks.

Labelling for containers

ADR 2025 No labelling needed.
RID 2025 No labelling needed.
ADN 2025The containers have to be labelled according to ADR, RID or IMDG Code.
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24
No labelling needed.
Notice: packages of radioactive material having other hazardous properties must bear the corresponding labels for the subsidiary risks.

Labelling for tanks

ADR 2025Tanks not allowed according to ADR
RID 2025Tanks not allowed according to RID
ADN 2025Tanks not allowed according to ADN
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24Tanks not allowed according to IMDG
Notice: packages of radioactive material having other hazardous properties must bear the corresponding labels for the subsidiary risks.

Labelling for unpackaged transport

ADR 2025Unpackaged transport not allowed according to ADR
RID 2025Unpackaged transport not allowed according to RID
ADN 2025Unpackaged transport not allowed according to ADN
IMSBC CodeUnpackaged transport not allowed according to IMSBC Code
Notice: packages of radioactive material having other hazardous properties must bear the corresponding labels for the subsidiary risks.

Transport exclusions

The transport according to the following regulations is:
ADR 2025allowed
RID 2025allowed
ADN 2025allowed
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24allowed
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026
Passenger aircraft
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026
Cargo aircraft

Tunnel restriction code

ADR 2025Tunnel restriction code -: Passage allowed through all tunnels (For UN Nos. 2919 and 3331, see also

Excepted and limited quantities

Excepted Quantities

ADR 2025E0: If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of excepted quanties of these class can be applied.
RID 2025E0: If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of excepted quanties of these class can be applied.
ADN 2025E0: If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of excepted quanties of these class can be applied.
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24E0: If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of excepted quanties of these class can be applied.
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026If the substance must be classified according to special provision A130 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of excepted quanties of these class can be applied.

Limited Quantities

ADR 2025If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of limited quanties of these class can be applied.
RID 2025If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of limited quanties of these class can be applied.
ADN 2025If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of limited quanties of these class can be applied.
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24If the substance must be classified according to special provision 290 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of limited quanties of these class can be applied.
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026If the substance must be classified according to special provision A130 to the predominant subsidiary risk, the rules of limited quanties of these class can be applied.



The transport according to the following regulations is:
ADR 2025forbidden
RID 2025forbidden
ADN 2025forbidden
IMSBC Codeforbidden

Bulk Containers

The transport according to the following regulations is:
ADR 2025forbidden
RID 2025forbidden
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24forbidden


Definitions of specific terms according to (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code; 2;7.1.3 ICAO TI)

Special form radioactive material means either:

  1. An indispersible solid radioactive material; or

  2. A sealed capsule containing radioactive material.

Low dispersible radioactive material according to (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code; 2; ICAO TI)

  1. The design for low dispersible radioactive material shall require multilateral approval. Low dispersible radioactive material shall be such that the total amount of this radioactive material in a package, taking into account the provisions of (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.7.14 ICAO TI) , shall meet the following requirements:

    1. The dose rate at 3 m from the unshielded radioactive material does not exceed 10 mSv/h;

    2. If subjected to the tests specified in and (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.19.3 und 6;7.19.4), the airborne release in gaseous and particulate forms of up to 100 µm aerodynamic equivalent diameter would not exceed 100 A2. A separate specimen may be used for each test; and

    3. If subjected to the test specified in (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code; 2; ICAO TI) the activity in the water would not exceed 100 A2. In the application of this test, the damaging effects of the tests specified in (b) above shall be taken into account.

  2. Low dispersible radioactive material shall be tested as follows:

    A specimen that comprises or simulates low dispersible radioactive material shall be subjected to the enhanced thermal test specified in (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.19.3 ICAO TI) and the impact test specified in (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.19.4 ICAO TI). A different specimen may be used for each of the tests. Following each test, the specimen shall be subjected to the leach test specified in (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code; 2; ICAO TI). After each test it shall be determined if the applicable requirements in point 1) have been met.

  3. A solid material sample representing the entire contents of the package shall be immersed for 7 days in water at ambient temperature. The volume of water to be used in the test shall be sufficient to ensure that at the end of the 7-day test period the free volume of the unabsorbed and unreacted water remaining shall be at least 10 % of the volume of the solid test sample itself. The water shall have an initial pH of 6-8 and a maximum conductivity of 1 mS/m at 20 °C. The total activity of the free volume of water shall be measured following the 7-day immersion of the test sample.

  4. Demonstration of compliance with the performance standards in the points 1), 2) and 3) shall be in accordance with and (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.11.1 und 6;7.11.2).

Definitions of specific terms according to (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code; 2;7.1.3 ICAO TI)

Special form radioactive material means either:

  1. An indispersible solid radioactive material; or

  2. A sealed capsule containing radioactive material.

Special form radioactive material according to (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code; 2; ICAO TI)

  1. Special form radioactive material shall have at least one dimension not less than 5 mm. When a sealed capsule constitutes part of the special form radioactive material, the capsule shall be so manufactured that it can be opened only by destroying it. The design for special form radioactive material requires unilateral approval.

  2. Special form radioactive material shall be of such a nature or shall be so designed that if it is subjected to the tests specified in point 4) to 8), it shall meet the following requirements:

    1. It would not break or shatter under the impact, percussion and bending tests in point 5 a), b), c) and 6 a) as applicable;

    2. It would not melt or disperse in the applicable heat test 5 d) or 6 b) as applicable; and

    3. The activity in the water from the leaching tests specified in point 7) and 8) would not exceed 2 kBq; or alternatively for sealed sources, the leakage rate for the volumetric leakage assessment test specified in ISO 9978:1992 "Radiation Protection - Sealed Radioactive Sources - Leakage Test Methods", would not exceed the applicable acceptance threshold acceptable to the competent authority.

  3. Demonstration of compliance with the performance standards in point 2) shall be in accordance with and (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.11.1 and 6;7.11.2 ICAO TI).

  4. Specimens that comprise or simulate special form radioactive material shall be subjected to the impact test, the percussion test, the bending test, and the heat test specified in point 5) or alternative tests as authorized in point 6). A different specimen may be used for each of the tests. Following each test, a leaching assessment or volumetric leakage test shall be performed on the specimen by a method no less sensitive than the methods given in point 7) for indispersible solid material or in point 8) for encapsulated material.

  5. The relevant test methods are:

    1. Impact test: The specimen shall drop onto the target from a height of 9 m. The target shall be as defined in 6.4.14 (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; 6;7.13 ICAO TI);

    2. Percussion test: The specimen shall be placed on a sheet of lead which is supported by a smooth solid surface and struck by the flat face of a mild steel bar so as to cause an impact equivalent to that resulting from a free drop of 1.4 kg from a height of 1 m. The lower part of the bar shall be 25 mm in diameter with the edges rounded off to a radius of (3.0 ± 0.3) mm. The lead, of hardness number 3.5 to 4.5 on the Vickers scale and not more than 25 mm thick, shall cover an area greater than that covered by the specimen. A fresh surface of lead shall be used for each impact. The bar shall strike the specimen so as to cause maximum damage;

    3. Bending test: The test shall apply only to long, slender sources with both a minimum length of 10 cm and a length to minimum width ratio of not less than 10. The specimen shall be rigidly clamped in a horizontal position so that one half of its length protrudes from the face of the clamp. The orientation of the specimen shall be such that the specimen will suffer maximum damage when its free end is struck by the flat face of a steel bar. The bar shall strike the specimen so as to cause an impact equivalent to that resulting from a free vertical drop of 1.4 kg from a height of 1 m. The lower part of the bar shall be 25 mm in diameter with the edges rounded off to a radius of (3.0 ± 0.3) mm;

    4. Heat test: The specimen shall be heated in air to a temperature of 800 °C and held at that temperature for a period of 10 minutes and shall then be allowed to cool.

  6. Specimens that comprise or simulate radioactive material enclosed in a sealed capsule may be excepted from:

    1. The tests prescribed in point 5 a) and b) provided that the specimens are alternatively subjected to the impact test prescribed in ISO 2919:2012 "Radiation Protection - Sealed Radioactive Sources - General requirements and classification":

      1. The Class 4 impact test if the mass of the special form radioactive material is less than 200 g;

      2. The Class 5 impact test if the mass of the special form radioactive material is equal to or more than 200 g but is less than 500 g;

    2. The test prescribed in point 5 d) provided they are alternatively subjected to the Class 6 temperature test specified in ISO 2919:2012 "Radiation protection - Sealed radioactive sources - General requirements and classification".

  7. For specimens which comprise or simulate indispersible solid material, a leaching assessment shall be performed as follows:

    1. The specimen shall be immersed for 7 days in water at ambient temperature. The volume of water to be used in the test shall be sufficient to ensure that at the end of the 7 day test period the free volume of the unabsorbed and unreacted water remaining shall be at least 10 % of the volume of the solid test sample itself. The water shall have an initial pH of 6-8 and a maximum conductivity of 1 mS/m at 20 °C;

    2. The water and the specimen shall then be heated to a temperature of (50 ± 5) °C and maintained at this temperature for 4 hours;

    3. The activity of the water shall then be determined;

    4. The specimen shall then be kept for at least 7 days in still air at not less than 30 °C and relative humidity not less than 90 %;

    5. The specimen shall then be immersed in water of the same specification as in a) above and the water and the specimen heated to (50 ± 5) °C and maintained at this temperature for 4 hours;

    6. The activity of the water shall then be determined.

  8. For specimens which comprise or simulate radioactive material enclosed in a sealed capsule, either a leaching assessment or a volumetric leakage assessment shall be performed as follows:

    1. The leaching assessment shall consist of the following steps:

      1. the specimen shall be immersed in water at ambient temperature. The water shall have an initial pH of 6-8 with a maximum conductivity of 1 mS/m at 20 °C;

      2. the water and specimen must then be heated to a temperature of (50 ± 5) °C and maintained at this temperature for 4 hours;

      3. the activity of the water shall then be determined;

      4. the specimen shall then be kept for at least 7 days in still air at not less than 30 °C and relative humidity of not less than 90 %;

      5. the process in (i), (ii) and (iii) shall be repeated;

    2. The alternative volumetric leakage assessment shall comprise any of the tests prescribed in ISO 9978:1992 "Radiation Protection - Sealed radioactive sources - Leakage test methods", provided that they are acceptable to the competent authority.

Determination of activity limits

Determination of basic radionuclide values according to ADR, RID and ADN; IMDG Code and ICAO TI 2;7.2.2

  1. The following basic values for individual radionuclides are given in table of nuclides (ADR, RID, ADN Table; IMDG Code Table; ICAO TI Table 2-12):

    1. A1 and A2 in TBq;

    2. Activity concentration limits for exempt material in Bq/g; and

    3. Activity limits for exempt consignments in Bq.

  2. For individual radionuclides:

    1. Which are not listed in Table of nuclides the determination of the basic radionuclide values referred to in 1) shall require multilateral approval. For these radionuclides, activity concentration limits for exempt material and activity limits for exempt consignments shall be calculated in accordance with the principles established in the Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR PART 3, IAEA, Vienna (2014). It is permissible to use an A2 value calculated using a dose coefficient for the appropriate lung absorption type as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection, if the chemical forms of each radionuclide under both normal and accident conditions of carriage are taken into consideration. Alternatively, the radionuclide values in Table below may be used without obtaining competent authority approval;

    2. In instruments or articles in which the radioactive material is enclosed or is included as a component part of the instrument or other manufactured article and which meet c), (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG Code and 2; c) ICAO TI) alternative basic radionuclide values to those in Table of nuclides for the activity limit for an exempt consignment are permitted and shall require multilateral approval. Such alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment shall be calculated in accordance with the principles set out in GSR Part 3.

    Table - Basic radionuclide values for unknown radionuclides or mixtures

    Radioactive contents A1 A2 Activity concentration limit for exempt material Activity limit for an exempt consignment
    (TBq) (TBq) (Bq/g) ((Bq)
    Only beta or gamma emitting nuclides are known to be present 0,1 0,02 1 * 101 1 * 104
    Alpha emitting nuclides but no neutron emitters are known to be present 0,2 9 * 10-5 1 * 10-1 1 * 103
    Neutron emitting nuclides are known to be present or no relevant data are available 0,001 9 * 10-5 1 * 10-1 1 * 103
  3. In the calculations of A1 and A2 for a radionuclide not in Table of nuclides, a single radioactive decay chain in which the radionuclides are present in their naturally occurring proportions, and in which no progeny nu-clide has a half-life either longer than 10 days or longer than that of the parent nuclide, shall be considered as a single radionuclide; and the activity to be taken into account and the A1 or A2 value to be applied shall be those corresponding to the parent nuclide of that chain. In the case of radioactive decay chains in which any progeny nuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days or greater than that of the parent nuclide, the parent and such progeny nuclides shall be considered as mixtures of different nuclides.

  4. For mixtures of radionuclides, the basic radionuclide values referred to in 1) may be determined as follows

    XUnknown node type: sub=1if(i)X(i)


    f(i) is the fraction of activity or activity concentration of radionuclide i in the mixture;
    X(i) is the appropriate value of A1 or A2, or the activity concentration limit for exempt material or the activity limit for an exempt consignment as appropriate for the radionuclide i; and
    Xm is the derived value of A1 or A2, or the activity concentration limit for exempt material or the activity limit for an exempt consignment in the case of a mixture.
  5. When the identity of each radionuclide is known but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known, the radionuclides may be grouped and the lowest radionuclide value, as appropriate, for the radionuclides in each group may be used in applying the formulas in 4) and (ADR, RID, ADN; IMDG-Code und 2; ICAO TI). Groups may be based on the total alpha activity and the total beta/gamma activity when these are known, using the lowest radionuclide values for the alpha emitters or beta/gamma emitters, respectively.

  6. For individual radionuclides or for mixtures of radionuclides for which relevant data are not available, the values shown in Table above shall be used.

Determination of transport index (TI) according to ADR, RID, ADN and IMDG Code and ICAO 5;1.2.3

  1. The transport index (TI) for a package, overpack or container, or for unpackaged LSA-I, SCO-I or SCO-III, shall be the number derived in accordance with the following procedure:

    1. Determine the maximum dose rate in units of millisieverts per hour (mSv/h) at a distance of 1 m from the external surfaces of the package, overpack, container, or unpackaged LSA-I, SCO-I or SCO-III. The value determined shall be multiplied by 100 and the resulting number is the transport index.

      For uranium and thorium ores and their concentrates, the maximum dose rate at any point 1 m from the external surface of the load may be taken as:

      0,4 mSv/h for ores and physical concentrates of uranium and thorium;

      0,3 mSv/h for chemical concentrates of thorium;

      0,02 mSv/h for chemical concentrates of uranium, other than uranium hexafluoride;

    2. For tanks, containers and unpackaged LSA-I, SCO-I and SCO-III, the value determined in step (a) above shall be multiplied by the appropriate factor from Table (ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code; Table 5-1 ICAO TI);

    3. The value obtained in steps (a) and (b) above shall be rounded up to the first decimal place (e.g. 1.13 becomes 1.2), except that a value of 0.05 or less may be considered as zero and the resulting number is the transport index value.

    Table - Multiplication factors for tanks, containers and unpackaged LSA-I, SCO-I and SCO-III

    Size of load(a) Multiplication factor
    size of load ≤ 1 m2 1
    1 m2 < size of load ≤ 5 m2 2
    5 m2 < size of load ≤ 20 m2 3
    20 m2 < size of load 10

    a) Largest cross-sectional area of the load being measured.

  2. The TI for each rigid overpack, freight container or conveyance shall be determined as the sum of the TIs of all the packages contained therein. For a shipment from a single consignor, the consignor may determine the TI by direct measurement of dose rate.

    The TI for a non-rigid overpack shall be determined only as the sum of the TIs of all the packages within the overpack.

Requirements for the determination of the criticality safety index (CSI) according to ADR, RID, ADN and IMDG-Code and ICAO 5;

The criticality safety index for each overpack or container shall be determined as the sum of the CSIs of all the packages contained. The same procedure shall be followed for determining the total sum of the CSIs in a consignment or aboard a vehicle/wagon/conveyance/aircraft.

Determination of the criticality safety index (CSI) according to ADR, RID and IMDG Code 6.4.11 and ICAO 6;7.10; ADN according Part 6 of ADR

  1. For normal conditions of carriage a number "N" shall be derived, such that five times "N" packages shall be subcritical for the arrangement and package conditions that provide the maximum neutron multiplication consistent with the following:

    1. here shall not be anything between the packages, and the package arrangement shall be reflected on all sides by at least 20 cm of water; and

    2. The state of the packages shall be their assessed or demonstrated condition if they had been subjected to the tests for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of carriage.

  2. For accident conditions of carriage a number "N" shall be derived, such that two times "N" packages shall be subcritical for the arrangement and package conditions that provide the maximum neutron multiplication consistent with the following:

    1. Hydrogenous moderation between packages, and the package arrangement reflected on all sides by at least 20 cm of water; and

    2. The tests for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of carriage followed by whichever of the following is the more limiting:

      1. the mechanical tests for demonstrating ability to withstand accident conditions in carriage sub-point (b) and, either the mechanical test of sub-point (c) for packages having a mass not greater than 500 kg and an overall density not greater than 1,000 kg/m³ based on the external dimensions, or mechanical test of sub-point (a) for all other packages; followed by the test specified in thermal test for demonstrating ability to withstand accident conditions and completed by the water leakage test for packages containing fissile material; or

      2. the water immersion test for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of carriage; and

    3. Where any part of the fissile material escapes from the containment system following the tests specified in 13) (b), it shall be assumed that fissile material escapes from each package in the array and all of the fissile material shall be arranged in the configuration and moderation that results in the maximum neutron multiplication with close reflection by at least 20 cm of water.

  3. The criticality safety index (CSI) for packages containing fissile material shall be obtained by dividing the number 50 by the smaller of the two values of N derived in 12) and 13) (i.e. CSI = 50/N). The value of the criticality safety index may be zero, provided that an unlimited number of packages is subcritical (i.e. N is effectively equal to infinity in both cases).


Summary of approval and prior notification requirements according to ADR, RID, ADN 5.1.5

Subject UN Number Competent Authority approval required Consignor required to notify the competent authorities of the country of origin and of the countries en route a) before each shipment Reference
Country of origin Countries en routea)
Calculation of unlisted A1 and A2 values - Yes Yes No (a), (d)
Excepted packages 2908,
- package design No No No
- shipment No No No
Alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles - Yes Yes No (e),

a)Countries from, through or into which the consignment is carried.

Certificates issued by the competent authority according to ADR, RID, ADN, IMDG Code and ICAO TI 5;1.2.2

  1. Certificates issued by the competent authority are required for the following:

    1. Determination of the basic radionuclide values referred to in (ADR, RID, IMDG Code; ICAO TI 2; for individual radionuclides which are not listed in Table (ADR, RID;IMDG Code; ICAO TI 2-12) (see a) (ADR, RID; IMDG Code;ICAO TI 2; a))),

    2. Alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles (see b) (ADR, RID; IMDG Code; ICAO TI 2; b))).

    The certificates shall confirm that the applicable requirements are met, and for design approvals shall attribute to the design an identification mark.

    The certificates of approval for the package design and the shipment may be combined into a single certificate.

    Certificates and applications for these certificates shall be in accordance with the requirements in 6.4.23 (ADR, RID, IMDG Code; ICAO TI 6;7.22).

  2. The consignor shall be in possession of a copy of each applicable certificate.

  3. For package designs where it is not required that a competent authority issue a certificate of approval, the consignor shall, on request, make available for inspection by the competent authority, documentary evidence of the compliance of the package design with all the applicable requirements.

Approvals of package designs and materials according to ADR, RID, IMDG Code 6.4.22 and ICAO TI 6;7.21, ADN according Part 6 of ADR

  1. Alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles in accordance with b) (ADR, RID; IMDG Code; ICAO TI 2; b)) shall require multilateral approval.

Applications and approvals for radioactive material carriage according to ADR, RID, IMDG Code 6.4.23, ICAO TI see 6.4.23 of the UN Rec, ADN according Part 6 of ADR

  1. An application for approval of alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles shall include:

    1. An identification and detailed description of the instrument or article, its intended uses and the radionuclide(s) incorporated;

    2. The maximum activity of the radionuclide(s) in the instrument or article;

    3. Maximum external dose rates arising from the instrument or article;

    4. The chemical and physical forms of the radionuclide(s) contained in the instrument or article;

    5. Details of the construction and design of the instrument or article, particularly as related to the containment and shielding of the radionuclide in routine, normal and accident conditions of carriage;

    6. The applicable management system, including the quality testing and verification procedures to be applied to radioactive sources, components and finished products to ensure that the maximum specified activity of radioactive material or the maximum dose rates specified for the instrument or article are not exceeded, and that the instruments or articles are constructed according to the design specifications;

    7. The maximum number of instruments or articles expected to be shipped per consignment and annually;

    8. Dose assessments in accordance with the principles and methodologies set out in the Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, IAEA, Vienna (2014), including individual doses to transport workers and members of the public and, if appropriate, collective doses arising from routine, normal and accident conditions of transport, based on representative transport scenarios the consignments are subject to.

  2. Each certificate of approval issued by a competent authority shall be assigned an identification mark. The identification mark shall be of the following generalized type:

    VRI/Number/Type Code

    1. Except as provided in 12), VRI represents the distinguishing sign used on vehicles in international road traffic of the country issuing the certificate. 1)

    2. The number shall be assigned by the competent authority, and shall be unique and specific with regard to the particular design or shipment or alternative activity limit for exempt consignment. The identification mark of the approval of shipment shall be clearly related to the identification mark of the approval of design;

    3. The following type codes shall be used in the order listed to indicate the types of certificate of approval issued:

      AL Alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles
  3. These identification marks shall be applied as follows:

    1. Each certificate and each package shall bear the appropriate identification mark, comprising the symbols prescribed in point 11 a), b) and c) above, except that, for packages, only the applicable design type codes including, shall appear following the second stroke, that is, the "T" or "X" shall not appear in the identification mark on the package. Where the approval of design and the approval of shipment are combined, the applicable type codes do not need to be repeated. For example:

      A/132/B(M)F-96: A Type B(M) package design approved for fissile material, requiring multilateral approval, for which the competent authority of Austria has assigned the design number 132 (to be marked on both the package and on the certificate of approval for the package design);
      A/132/B(M)F-96T: The approval of shipment issued for a package bearing the identification mark elaborated above (to be marked on the certificate only);
      A/137/X: An approval of special arrangement issued by the competent authority of Austria, to which the number 137 has been assigned (to be marked on the certificate only);
      A/139/IF-96: An industrial package design for fissile material approved by the competent authority of Austria, to which package design number 139 has been assigned (to be marked on both the package and on the certificate of approval for the package design); and
      A/145/H(U)-96: A package design for fissile excepted uranium hexafluoride approved by the competent authority of Austria, to which package design number 145 has been assigned (to be marked on both the package and on the certificate of approval for the package design);
    2. Where multilateral approval is effected by validation in accordance with point 20), only the identification mark issued by the country of origin of the design or shipment shall be used. Where multilateral approval is effected by issue of certificates by successive countries, each certificate shall bear the appropriate identification mark and the package whose design was so approved shall bear all appropriate identification marks. For example:


      would be the identification mark of a package which was originally approved by Austria and was subsequently approved, by separate certificate, by Switzerland. Additional identification marks would be tabulated in a similar manner on the package;

    3. The revision of a certificate shall be indicated by a parenthetical expression following the identification mark on the certificate. For example, A/132/B(M)F-96 (Rev.2) would indicate revision 2 of the Austrian certificate of approval for the package design; or A/132/B(M)F-96 (Rev.0) would indicate the original issuance of the Austrian certificate of approval for the package design. For original issuances, the parenthetical entry is optional and other words such as "original issuance" may also be used in place of "Rev.0". Certificate revision numbers may only be issued by the country issuing the original certificate of approval;

    4. Additional symbols (as may be necessitated by national regulations) may be added in brackets to the end of the identification mark; for example, A/132/B(M)F-96(SP503);

    5. It is not necessary to alter the identification mark on the packaging each time that a revision to the design certificate is made. Such re-marking shall be required only in those cases where the revision to the package design certificate involves a change in the letter type codes for the package design following the second stroke.

  1. Each certificate issued by a competent authority for alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles according to d) (ADR, RID; IMDG Code shall include the following information:

    1. Type of certificate;

    2. The competent authority identification mark;

    3. The issue date and an expiry date;

    4. List of applicable national and international regulations, including the edition of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material under which the exemption is approved;

    5. The identification of the instrument or article;

    6. A description of the instrument or article;

    7. Design specifications for the instrument or article;

    8. A specification of the radionuclide(s), the approved alternative activity limit(s) for the exempt consignment(s) of the instrument(s) or article(s);

    9. Reference to documentation that demonstrates compliance with b) (ADR, RID; IMDG Code;

    10. If deemed appropriate by the competent authority, reference to the identity of the applicant;

    11. Signature and identification of the certifying official.

  1. Multilateral approval may be by validation of the original certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin of the design or shipment. Such validation may take the form of an endorsement on the original certificate or the issuance of a separate endorsement, annex, supplement, etc., by the competent authority of the country through or into which the shipment is made.


  1. Distinguishing sign of the State of registration used on motor vehicles and trailers in international road traffic, e.g. in accordance with the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 1949 or the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 1968.


ADR 2025This substance / article is NOT a high consequence dangerous good.
RID 2025This substance / article is NOT a high consequence dangerous good.
ADN 2025This substance / article is NOT a high consequence dangerous good.
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24This substance / article is NOT a high consequence dangerous good.
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026This substance / article is NOT a high consequence dangerous good.
Regulations concerning security

Requirements for packages

Packages, exclusive use:
Packagepackaging not restricted
Max. radiation level0,005 mSv/h
General requirements

General requirements for packages with radioactive material according to ADR, RID, IMDG Code 6.4.2 and ICAO TI 6;7.1; ADN according Part 6 of ADR

  1. The package shall be so designed in relation to its mass, volume and shape that it can be easily and safely carried. In addition, the package shall be so designed that it can be properly secured in or on the vehicle during carriage.

  2. The design shall be such that any lifting attachments on the package will not fail when used in the intended manner and that, if failure of the attachments should occur, the ability of the package to meet other requirements of this Annex would not be impaired. The design shall take account of appropriate safety factors to cover snatch lifting.

  3. Attachments and any other features on the outer surface of the package which could be used to lift it shall be designed either to support its mass in accordance with the requirements of point 2 or shall be removable or otherwise rendered incapable of being used during carriage.

  4. As far as practicable, the package shall be so designed that the external surfaces are free from protruding features and can be easily decontaminated.

  5. As far as practicable, the outer layer of the package shall be so designed as to prevent the collection and the retention of water.

  6. Any features added to the package at the time of carriage which are not part of the package shall not reduce its safety.

  7. The package shall be capable of withstanding the effects of any acceleration, vibration or vibration resonance which may arise under routine conditions of carriage without any deterioration in the effectiveness of the closing devices on the various receptacles or in the integrity of the package as a whole. In particular, nuts, bolts and other securing devices shall be so designed as to prevent them from becoming loose or being released unintentionally, even after repeated use.

  8. The design of the package must take into account ageing mechanisms.

  9. The materials of the packaging and any components or structures shall be physically and chemically compatible with each other and with the radioactive contents. Account shall be taken of their behaviour under irradiation.

  10. All valves through which the radioactive contents could escape shall be protected against unauthorized operation.

  11. The design of the package shall take into account ambient temperatures and pressures that are likely to be encountered in routine conditions of carriage.

  12. A package shall be so designed that it provides sufficient shielding to ensure that, under routine conditions of carriage and with the maximum radioactive contents that the package is designed to contain, the dose rate at any point on the external surface of the package would not exceed, for excepted packages 5 µSv/h, for all other packages 2 mSv/h and 10 mSv/h for exclusive use, as applicable, with account of the values specified in, and, as applicable, with account of the limits for containers and vehicles of Part 7.

  13. For radioactive material having other dangerous properties the package design shall take into account those properties.

  14. Manufacturers and subsequent distributors of packagings shall provide information regarding procedures to be followed and a description of the types and dimensions of closures (including required gaskets) and any other components needed to ensure that packages as presented for carriage are capable of passing the applicable performance tests of this Chapter.

Additional requirements for packages transported by air according IMDG Code 6.4.3 und ICAO TI 6;7.2

  1. For packages to be transported by air, the temperature of the accessible surfaces shall not exceed 50 °C at an ambient temperature of 38 °C with no account taken for insolation.

  2. Packages to be transported by air shall be so designed that, if they were exposed to ambient temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +55 °C, the integrity of the containment would not be impaired.

  3. Packages containing radioactive material, to be transported by air, shall be capable of withstanding, without loss or dispersal of radioactive contents from the containment system, an internal pressure that produces a pressure differential of not less than maximum normal operating pressure plus 95 kPa.

Special requirements

Requirements for excepted packages according to ADR, RID, IMDG Code 6.4.4 and ICAO TI 6;7.3; ADN according Part 6 of ADR

An excepted package shall be designed to meet the requirements specified in (ADR, RID und IMDG-Code; ICAO 6;7.1.1 to 6;7.1.12) and in addition, the requirements of (ADR, RID und IMDG-Code; ICAO TI 6;7.6.2) if it contains fissile material allowed by one of the provisions of a) to f)(ADR und RID; IMDG-Code (a) to (f); ICAO 2; a) to f)), and the requirements of 6.4.3 (IMDG-Code; ICAO TI 6;7.2) if carried by air.

Test requirements

Packages, non-exclusive use:
Packagepackaging not restricted
Max. radiation level0,005 mSv/h
General requirements

General requirements for packages with radioactive material according to ADR, RID, IMDG Code 6.4.2 and ICAO TI 6;7.1; ADN according Part 6 of ADR

  1. The package shall be so designed in relation to its mass, volume and shape that it can be easily and safely carried. In addition, the package shall be so designed that it can be properly secured in or on the vehicle during carriage.

  2. The design shall be such that any lifting attachments on the package will not fail when used in the intended manner and that, if failure of the attachments should occur, the ability of the package to meet other requirements of this Annex would not be impaired. The design shall take account of appropriate safety factors to cover snatch lifting.

  3. Attachments and any other features on the outer surface of the package which could be used to lift it shall be designed either to support its mass in accordance with the requirements of point 2 or shall be removable or otherwise rendered incapable of being used during carriage.

  4. As far as practicable, the package shall be so designed that the external surfaces are free from protruding features and can be easily decontaminated.

  5. As far as practicable, the outer layer of the package shall be so designed as to prevent the collection and the retention of water.

  6. Any features added to the package at the time of carriage which are not part of the package shall not reduce its safety.

  7. The package shall be capable of withstanding the effects of any acceleration, vibration or vibration resonance which may arise under routine conditions of carriage without any deterioration in the effectiveness of the closing devices on the various receptacles or in the integrity of the package as a whole. In particular, nuts, bolts and other securing devices shall be so designed as to prevent them from becoming loose or being released unintentionally, even after repeated use.

  8. The design of the package must take into account ageing mechanisms.

  9. The materials of the packaging and any components or structures shall be physically and chemically compatible with each other and with the radioactive contents. Account shall be taken of their behaviour under irradiation.

  10. All valves through which the radioactive contents could escape shall be protected against unauthorized operation.

  11. The design of the package shall take into account ambient temperatures and pressures that are likely to be encountered in routine conditions of carriage.

  12. A package shall be so designed that it provides sufficient shielding to ensure that, under routine conditions of carriage and with the maximum radioactive contents that the package is designed to contain, the dose rate at any point on the external surface of the package would not exceed, for excepted packages 5 µSv/h, for all other packages 2 mSv/h and 10 mSv/h for exclusive use, as applicable, with account of the values specified in, and, as applicable, with account of the limits for containers and vehicles of Part 7.

  13. For radioactive material having other dangerous properties the package design shall take into account those properties.

  14. Manufacturers and subsequent distributors of packagings shall provide information regarding procedures to be followed and a description of the types and dimensions of closures (including required gaskets) and any other components needed to ensure that packages as presented for carriage are capable of passing the applicable performance tests of this Chapter.

Additional requirements for packages transported by air according IMDG Code 6.4.3 und ICAO TI 6;7.2

  1. For packages to be transported by air, the temperature of the accessible surfaces shall not exceed 50 °C at an ambient temperature of 38 °C with no account taken for insolation.

  2. Packages to be transported by air shall be so designed that, if they were exposed to ambient temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +55 °C, the integrity of the containment would not be impaired.

  3. Packages containing radioactive material, to be transported by air, shall be capable of withstanding, without loss or dispersal of radioactive contents from the containment system, an internal pressure that produces a pressure differential of not less than maximum normal operating pressure plus 95 kPa.

Special requirements

Requirements for excepted packages according to ADR, RID, IMDG Code 6.4.4 and ICAO TI 6;7.3; ADN according Part 6 of ADR

An excepted package shall be designed to meet the requirements specified in (ADR, RID und IMDG-Code; ICAO 6;7.1.1 to 6;7.1.12) and in addition, the requirements of (ADR, RID und IMDG-Code; ICAO TI 6;7.6.2) if it contains fissile material allowed by one of the provisions of a) to f)(ADR und RID; IMDG-Code (a) to (f); ICAO 2; a) to f)), and the requirements of 6.4.3 (IMDG-Code; ICAO TI 6;7.2) if carried by air.

Test requirements

Mixed packing

A package shall not contain any items other than those that are necessary for the use of the radioactive material. The interaction between these items and the package under the conditions of carriage applicable to the design, shall not reduce the safety of the package.

Mixed Loading, Stowage, Segregation

Mixed Loading1.
ADR 2025
RID 2025
IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24222222211222212X3X2X
ICAO TI 2025 - 2026----------------

Transport Documents

ADR 2025

Extracts from chapter 5.4 Documentation

5.4.0 General

  1. Unless otherwise specified, any carriage of goods governed by ADR shall be accompanied by the documentation prescribed in this Chapter, as appropriate.

    NOTE: For the list of documentation to be carried on board transport units, see 8.1.2.

  2. The use of electronic data processing (EDP) or electronic data interchange (EDI) techniques as an aid to or instead of paper documentation is permitted, provided that the procedures used for the capture, storage and processing of electronics data meet the legal requirements as regards the evidential value and availability of data during transport in a manner at least equivalent to that of paper documentation.

  3. When the dangerous goods transport information is given to the carrier by EDP or EDI techniques, the consignor shall be able to give the information to the carrier as a paper document, with the information in the sequence required by this Chapter.

5.4.1 Dangerous goods transport document and related information General information required in the transport document

  1. The transport document(s) shall contain the following information for each dangerous substance, material or article offered for carriage:

    1. the UN number preceded by the letters "UN";

    2. the proper shipping name supplemented, when applicable (see with the technical name in brackets (see, as determined in accordance with 3.1.2;

    3. for radioactive material of Class 7: the Class number: "7";

      NOTE: For radioactive material with a subsidiary risk, see also special provision 172 in Chapter 3.3.

  2. The information required on a transport document shall be legible.

    Although upper case is used in Chapter 3.1 and in Table A in Chapter 3.2 to indicate the elements which shall be part of the proper shipping name, and although upper and lower case are used in this Chapter to indicate the information required in the transport document, except for the provisions in (k), the use of upper or of lower case for entering the information in the transport document is left optional. Additional provisions for Class 7

  1. The following information shall be inserted in the transport document for each consignment of Class 7 material, as applicable, in the order given and immediately after the information required under (a) to (c) and (k):

    1. The name or symbol of each radionuclide or, for mixtures of radionuclides, an appropriate general description or a list of the most restrictive nuclides;

    2. A description of the physical and chemical form of the material, or a notation that the material is special form radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material. A generic chemical description is acceptable for chemical form. For radioactive material with a subsidiary risk, see sub-paragraph (c) of special provision 172 of Chapter 3.3;

    3. The maximum activity of the radioactive contents during carriage expressed in becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate SI prefix symbol (see For fissile material, the mass of fissile material (or mass of each fissile nuclide for mixtures when appropriate) in grams (g), or appropriate multiples thereof, may be used in place of activity;

    4. The category of the package, overpack or container, as assigned per, i.e. I-WHITE, II-YELLOW, III-YELLOW;

    5. The TI as determined per and (except for category I-WHITE);

    6. For fissile material:

      1. Shipped under one exception of (a) to (f), reference to that paragraph;

      2. Shipped under (c) to (e), the total mass of fissile nuclides;

      3. Contained in a package for which one of (a) to (c) or is applied, reference to that paragraph;

      4. The criticality safety index, where applicable;

    7. The identification mark for each competent authority certificate of approval (special form radioactive material, low dispersible radioactive material, fissile material excepted under (f), special arrangement, package design, or shipment) applicable to the consignment;

    8. For consignments of more than one package, the information required in and in (a) to (g) above shall be given for each package. For packages in an overpack, container, or vehicle, a detailed statement of the contents of each package within the overpack, container, or vehicle and, where appropriate, of each overpack, container, or vehicle shall be included. If packages are to be removed from the overpack, container, or vehicle at a point of intermediate unloading, appropriate transport documents shall be made available;

    9. Where a consignment is required to be shipped under exclusive use, the statement "EXCLUSIVE USE SHIPMENT"; and

    10. For LSA-II and LSA-III substances, SCO-I, SCO-II and SCO-III, the total activity of the consignment as a multiple of A2. For radioactive material for which the A2 value is unlimited, the multiple of A2 shall be zero.

  2. The consignor shall provide in the transport documents a statement regarding actions, if any, that are required to be taken by the carrier. The statement shall be in the languages deemed necessary by the carrier or the authorities concerned, and shall include at least the following information:

    1. Supplementary requirements for loading, stowage, carriage, handling and unloading of the package, overpack or container including any special stowage provisions for the safe dissipation of heat (see special provision CW33 (3.2) of 7.5.11), or a statement that no such requirements are necessary;

    2. Restrictions on the mode of carriage or vehicle and any necessary routeing instructions;

    3. Emergency arrangements appropriate to the consignment.

  3. In all cases of international carriage of packages requiring competent authority approval of design or shipment, for which different approval types apply in the different countries concerned by the shipment, the UN number and proper shipping name required in shall be in accordance with the certificate of the country of origin of design.

  4. The applicable competent authority certificates need not necessarily accompany the consignment. The consignor shall make them available to the carrier(s) before loading and unloading.

RID 2025

Extracts from chapter 5.4 Documentation

5.4.0 General

  1. Unless otherwise specified, any carriage of goods governed by RID shall be accompanied by the documentation prescribed in this Chapter, as appropriate.

  2. The use of electronic data processing (EDP) or electronic data interchange (EDI) techniques as an aid to or instead of paper documentation is permitted, provided that the procedures used for the capture, storage and processing of electronics data meet the legal requirements as regards the evidential value and availability of data during transport in a manner at least equivalent to that of paper documentation.

  3. When the dangerous goods transport information is given to the carrier by EDP or EDI techniques, the consignor shall be able to give the information to the carrier as a paper document, with the information in the sequence required by this Chapter.

5.4.1 Dangerous goods transport document and related information General information required in the transport document

  1. The transport document(s) shall contain the following information for each dangerous substance, material or article offered for carriage:

    1. the UN number preceded by the letters "UN";

    2. the proper shipping name supplemented, when applicable (see with the technical name in brackets (see, as determined in accordance with 3.1.2;

    3. for radioactive material of Class 7: the Class number: "7";

      NOTE: For radioactive material with a subsidiary risk, see also special provision 172 in Chapter 3.3.

  2. The information required on a transport document shall be legible.

    Although upper case is used in Chapter 3.1 and in Table A in Chapter 3.2 to indicate the elements which shall be part of the proper shipping name, and although upper and lower case are used in this Chapter to indicate the information required in the transport document, the use of upper or of lower case for entering the information in the transport document is left optional. Additional provisions for Class 7

  1. The following information shall be inserted in the transport document for each consignment of Class 7 material, as applicable, in the order given and immediately after the information required under (a) to (c):

    1. The name or symbol of each radionuclide or, for mixtures of radionuclides, an appropriate general description or a list of the most restrictive nuclides;

    2. A description of the physical and chemical form of the material, or a notation that the material is special form radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material. A generic chemical description is acceptable for chemical form. For radioactive material with a subsidiary risk, see sub-paragraph (c) of special provision 172 of Chapter 3.3;

    3. The maximum activity of the radioactive contents during carriage expressed in becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate SI prefix symbol (see For fissile material, the mass of fissile material (or mass of each fissile nuclide for mixtures when appropriate) in grams (g), or appropriate multiples thereof, may be used in place of activity;

    4. The category of the package, overpack or container, as assigned per, i.e. I-WHITE, II-YELLOW, III-YELLOW;

    5. The TI as determined per and (except for category I-WHITE);

    6. For fissile material:

      1. Shipped under one exception of (a) to (f), reference to that paragraph;

      2. Shipped under (c) to (e), the total mass of fissile nuclides;

      3. Contained in a package for which one of (a) to (c) or is applied, reference to that paragraph;

      4. The criticality safety index, where applicable;

    7. The identification mark for each competent authority certificate of approval (special form radioactive material, low dispersible radioactive material, fissile material excepted under (f), special arrangement, package design, or shipment) applicable to the consignment;

    8. For consignments of more than one package, the information required in and in (a) to (g) above shall be given for each package. For packages in an overpack, container, or vehicle, a detailed statement of the contents of each package within the overpack, container, or vehicle and, where appropriate, of each overpack, container, or vehicle shall be included. If packages are to be removed from the overpack, container, or vehicle at a point of intermediate unloading, appropriate transport documents shall be made available;

    9. Where a consignment is required to be shipped under exclusive use, the statement "EXCLUSIVE USE SHIPMENT"; and

    10. For LSA-II and LSA-III substances, SCO-I, SCO-II and SCO-III, the total activity of the consignment as a multiple of A2. For radioactive material for which the A2 value is unlimited, the multiple of A2 shall be zero.

  2. The consignor shall provide in the transport documents a statement regarding actions, if any, that are required to be taken by the carrier. The statement shall be in the languages deemed necessary by the carrier or the authorities concerned, and shall include at least the following information:

    1. Supplementary requirements for loading, stowage, carriage, handling and unloading of the package, overpack or container including any special stowage provisions for the safe dissipation of heat (see special provision CV33 (3.2) of 7.5.11), or a statement that no such requirements are necessary;

    2. Restrictions on the mode of carriage or wagon and any necessary routeing instructions;

    3. Emergency arrangements appropriate to the consignment.

  3. In all cases of international carriage of packages requiring competent authority approval of design or shipment, for which different approval types apply in the different countries concerned by the shipment, the UN number and proper shipping name required in shall be in accordance with the certificate of the country of origin of design.

  4. The applicable competent authority certificates need not necessarily accompany the consignment. The consignor shall make them available to the carrier(s) before loading and unloading.

ADN 2025

Extracts from chapter 5.4 Documentation

5.4.0 General

  1. Unless otherwise specified, any carriage of goods governed by ADN shall be accompanied by the documentation prescribed in this Chapter, as appropriate.

    NOTE: For the list of documentation to be carried on board vessels, see 8.1.2.

  2. The use of electronic data processing (EDP) or electronic data interchange (EDI) techniques as an aid to or instead of paper documentation is permitted, provided that the procedures used for the capture, storage and processing of electronics data meet the legal requirements as regards the evidential value and availability of data during carriage in a manner at least equivalent to that of paper documentation.

  3. When the dangerous goods transport information is given to the carrier by EDP or EDI techniques, the consignor shall be able to give the information to the carrier as a paper document, with the information in the sequence required by this Chapter.

5.4.1 Dangerous goods transport document and related information General information required in the transport document General information required in the transport document for carriage in bulk or in packages

The transport document(s) shall contain the following information for each dangerous substance, material or article offered for carriage:

  1. the UN number, preceded by the letters "UN" or substance identification number;

  2. the proper shipping name supplemented, when applicable (see with the technical name in brackets (see, as determined in accordance with 3.1.2.

  3. For radioactive material of Class 7: the Class number: "7";

    NOTE:: For radioactive material with a subsidiary risk, see also special provision 172 in Chapter 3.3.

The information required on a transport document shall be legible.

Although upper case is used in Chapter 3.1 and in Table A of Chapter 3.2 to indicate the elements which shall be part of the proper shipping name, and although upper and lower case are used in this Chapter to indicate the information required in the transport document, the use of upper or of lower case for entering the information in the transport document is left optional. Additional provisions for Class 7

  1. The following information shall be inserted in the transport document for each consignment of Class 7 material, as applicable, in the order given and immediately after the information required under (a) to (c):

    1. The name or symbol of each radionuclide or, for mixtures of radionuclides, an appropriate general description or a list of the most restrictive nuclides;

    2. A description of the physical and chemical form of the material, or a notation that the material is special form radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material. A generic chemical description is acceptable for chemical form. For radioactive material with a subsidiary risk, see sub-paragraph (c) of special provision 172 of Chapter 3.3;

    3. The maximum activity of the radioactive contents during carriage expressed in becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate SI prefix symbol (see For fissile material, the mass of fissile material (or mass of each fissile nuclide for mixtures when appropriate) in grams (g), or appropriate multiples thereof, may be used in place of activity;

    4. The category of the package, overpack or container, as assigned per, i.e. I-WHITE, II-YELLOW, III-YELLOW;

    5. The TI as determined per and (except for category I-WHITE);

    6. For fissile material:

      1. dShipped under one exception of (a) to (f), reference to that paragraph;

      2. Shipped under (c) to (e), the total mass of fissile nuclides;

      3. Contained in a package for which one of (a) to (c) or of ADR is applied, reference to that paragraph;

      4. The criticality safety index, where applicable;

    7. The identification mark for each competent authority certificate of approval (special form radioactive material, low dispersible radioactive material, fissile material excepted under (f), special arrangement, package design, or shipment) applicable to the consignment;

    8. For consignments of more than one package, the information required in and in (a) to (g) above shall be given for each package. For packages in an overpack, container, or conveyance, a detailed statement of the contents of each package within the overpack, container, or conveyance and, where appropriate, of each overpack, container, or conveyance shall be included. If packages are to be removed from the overpack, container, or conveyance at a point of intermediate unloading, appropriate transport documents shall be made available;

    9. Where a consignment is required to be shipped under exclusive use, the statement "EXCLUSIVE USE SHIPMENT"; and

    10. For LSA-II and LSA-III substances, SCO-I, SCO-II and SCO-III, the total activity of the consignment as a multiple of A2. For radioactive material for which the A2 value is unlimited, the multiple of A2 shall be zero.

  2. The consignor shall provide in the transport documents a statement regarding actions, if any, that are required to be taken by the carrier. The statement shall be in the languages deemed necessary by the carrier or the authorities concerned, and shall include at least the following information:

    1. Supplementary requirements for loading, stowage, carriage, handling and unloading of the package, overpack or container including any special stowage provisions for the safe dissipation of heat (see, or a statement that no such requirements are necessary;

    2. Restrictions on the mode of carriage or vehicle or wagon and any necessary routeing instructions;

    3. Emergency arrangements appropriate to the consignment.

  3. In all cases of international carriage of packages requiring competent authority approval of design or shipment, for which different approval types apply in the different countries concerned by the shipment, the UN number and proper shipping name required in shall be in accordance with the certificate of the country of origin of design.

  4. The applicable competent authority certificates need not necessarily accompany the consignment. The consignor shall make them available to the carrier(s) before loading and unloading.

IMDG-Code, Amdt. 42-24

Extracts from chapter 5.4 Documentation

Note 1: The provisions of this Code do not preclude the use of electronic data processing (EDP) and electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission techniques as an alternative to paper documentation. All references to "dangerous goods transport document" in this chapter also include provision of the required information by use of EDP and EDI transmission techniques.
Note 2: When dangerous goods are offered for transport, similar documents to those required for other categories of goods have to be prepared. The form of these documents, the particulars to be entered on them and the obligations they entail may be fixed by international conventions applying to certain modes of transport and by national legislation.
Note 3: One of the primary requirements of a transport document for dangerous goods is to convey the fundamental information relative to the hazards of the goods. It is, therefore, necessary to include certain basic information on the document for a consignment of dangerous goods unless otherwise exempted or required in this Code.
Note 4: In addition to the provisions of this chapter, other elements of information may be required by the competent authority.
Note 5: In addition to the provisions of this chapter other additional information may be included. However, this information shall not:
  1. divert attention from the safety information required by this chapter or by the competent authority;
  2. contradict the safety information required by this chapter or by the competent authority; or
  3. duplicate information already provided.

5.4.1 Dangerous goods transport information General

  1. Except as otherwise provided, the consignor who offers dangerous goods for transport shall give to the carrier the information applicable to those dangerous goods, including any additional information and documentation as specified in this Code. This information may be provided on a dangerous goods transport document or, with the agreement of the carrier, by EDP or EDI techniques.

  2. When the dangerous goods transport information is given to the carrier by EDP or EDI techniques, the consignor shall be able to produce the information without delay as a paper document, with the information in the sequence required by this chapter. Form of the transport document

  1. A dangerous goods transport document may be in any form, provided it contains all of the information required by the provisions of this Code.

  2. If both dangerous and non-dangerous goods are listed in one document, the dangerous goods shall be listed first, or otherwise be emphasized.

  3. Continuation page

    A dangerous goods transport document may consist of more than one page, provided pages are consecutively numbered.

  4. The information on a dangerous goods transport document shall be easy to identify, legible and durable.

  5. Example of a dangerous goods transport document

    The form shown in figure 5.4.5 is an example of a dangerous goods transport document. 1) Consignor, consignee and date

The name and address of the consignor and the consignee of the dangerous goods shall be included on the dangerous goods transport document. The date the dangerous goods transport document or an electronic copy of it was prepared or given to the initial carrier shall be included. Information required on the dangerous goods transport document

  1. Dangerous goods description

    The dangerous goods transport document shall contain the following information for each dangerous substance, material or article offered for transport:

    1. the UN number preceded by the letters "UN";

    2. the proper shipping name, as determined according to 3.1.2, including the technical name enclosed in parenthesis, as applicable (see;

    3. the primary hazard class or, when assigned, the division of the goods, including, for class 1, the compatibility group letter. The words "Class" or "Division" may be included preceding the primary hazard class or division numbers;

    4. subsidiary hazard class or division number(s) corresponding to the subsidiary risk label(s) required to be applied, when assigned, shall be entered following the primary hazard class or division and shall be enclosed in parenthesis. The words "Class" or "Division" may be included preceding the subsidiary hazard class or division numbers;

    5. where assigned, the packing group for the substance or article, which may be preceded by "PG" (e.g."PG II").

  2. Sequence of the dangerous goods description

    The five elements of the dangerous goods description specified in shall be shown in the order listed above (i.e. 1., 2., 3., 4., and 5.) with no information interspersed, except as provided in this Code. Unless permitted or required by this Code, additional information shall be placed after the dangerous goods description. Radioactive material

  1. The following information shall be included for each consignment of class 7 material, as applicable, in the order given:

    1. the name or symbol of each radionuclide or, for mixtures of radionuclides, an appropriate general description or a list of the most restrictive nuclides;

    2. a description of the physical and chemical form of the material, or a notation that the material is special form radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material. A generic chemical description is acceptable for chemical form;

    3. the maximum activity of the radioactive contents during transport expressed in units of becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate SI prefix symbol (see For fissile material, the mass of fissile material (or mass of each fissile nuclide for mixtures when appropriate) in units of grams (g), or appropriate multiples thereof, may be used in place of activity;

    4. the category of the package, overpack or freight container, as assigned per paragraph, i.e. I-WHITE, II-YELLOW, III-YELLOW;

    5. the TI as determined per paragraphs and (except for category I-WHITE);

    6. for fissile material:

      1. shipped under one exception of to, reference to that paragraph;

      2. shipped under to, the total mass of fissile nuclides;

      3. contained in a package for which one of (a) to (c) or is applied, reference to that paragraph;

      4. the criticality safety index, where applicable.

    7. the identification mark for each competent authority certificate of approval (special form radioactive material, low dispersible radioactive material, fissile material excepted under, special arrangement, package design, or shipment) applicable to the consignment;

    8. for consignments of more than one package, the information contained in to .3 and to .7 shall be given for each package. For packages in an overpack, freight container, or conveyance, a detailed statement of the contents of each package within the overpack, freight container, or conveyance and, where appropriate, of each overpack, freight container, or conveyance shall be included. If packages are to be removed from the overpack, freight container, or conveyance at a point of intermediate unloading, appropriate transport documents shall be made available;

    9. where a consignment is required to be shipped under exclusive use, the statement "EXCLUSIVE USE SHIPMENT"; and

    10. for LSA-II, LSA-III, SCO-I, SCO-II and SCO-III, the total activity of the consignment as a multiple of A2. For radioactive material for which the A2 value is unlimited, the multiple of A2 shall be zero.

  2. The transport document shall include a statement regarding actions, if any, that are required to be taken by the carrier. The statement shall be in the languages deemed necessary by the carrier or the authorities concerned, and shall include at least the following points:

    1. supplementary requirements for loading, stowage, transport, handling and unloading of the package, overpack or freight container, including any special stowage provisions for the safe dissipation of heat (see, or a statement that no such requirements are necessary;

    2. restrictions on the mode of transport or conveyance and any necessary routeing instructions;

    3. emergency arrangements appropriate to the consignment.

  3. In all cases of international transport of packages requiring competent authority approval of design or shipment, for which different approval types apply in the different countries concerned by the shipment, the UN number and proper shipping name required in shall be in accordance with the certificate of the country of origin of design.

  4. The applicable competent authority certificates need not necessarily accompany the consignment. The consignor shall make them available to the carrier(s) before loading and unloading.


  1. For standardized formats, see also the relevant recommendations of the UNECE United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), in particular Recommendation No. 1 (United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents) (ECE/TRADE/137, edition 81.3), UN Layout Key for Trade Documents - Guidelines for Applications (ECE/TRADE/270, edition 2002), Revised Recommendation No. 11 (Documentary Aspects of the International Transport of Dangerous Goods) (ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2008/8) and Recommendation No. 22 (Layout Key for Standard Consignment Instructions) (ECE/TRADE/168, edition 1989). Refer also to the UN/CEFACT Summary of Trade Facilitation Recommendations (ECE/TRADE/346, edition 2006) and the United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory (UNTDED) (ECE/TRADE/362, edition 2005).

ICAO TI 2025 - 2026

Extracts from Part 5 Chapter 4 Documentation


Note.- These Instructions do not preclude the use of electronic data processing (EDP) and electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission techniques as an alternative to paper documentation. Unless otherwise indicated, all references to "dangerous goods transport document" in this chapter also include provision of the required information by use of EDP and EDI transmission techniques.


5;4.1.1 General

  1. The person who offers dangerous goods for transport by air must provide to the operator the information applicable to the consignment as set out in this paragraph. The information may be provided on a paper document or, where an agreement exists with the operator, by EDP or EDI techniques.

  2. Where a paper document is used, the person who offers dangerous goods for transport by air must provide to the operator two copies of the dangerous goods transport document, completed and signed as provided for in this paragraph.

  3. Where the dangerous goods transport information is provided by EDP or EDI techniques the data must be able to be produced as a paper document without delay, with the data in the sequence required by this chapter.

Note.- All references to "dangerous goods transport document" in this chapter also include provision of the required information by use of EDP and EDI transmission techniques.

5;4.1.2 Form of the transport document

  1. A dangerous goods transport document may be in any form, provided it contains all of the information required by these Instructions.

  2. If both dangerous and non-dangerous goods are listed in one document, the dangerous goods must be listed first, or otherwise be emphasized.

  3. Continuation page

    A dangerous goods transport document may consist of more than one page, provided pages are consecutively numbered.

  4. The information on a dangerous goods transport document shall be easy to identify, legible and durable.

5;4.1.3 Shipper and consignee

The name and address of the shipper and the consignee of the dangerous goods must be included on the dangerous goods transport document. For the transport of radioactive material, it is recommended that the telephone number of the consignee is included to facilitate a prompt release at the airport of destination.

5;4.1.4 Information required on the dangerous goods transport document

  1. Dangerous goods description

    The dangerous goods transport document shall contain the following information for each dangerous substance, material or article offered for transport:

    1. the UN number preceded by the letters "UN";

    2. the proper shipping name, as determined according to 3;1.2, including the technical name enclosed in parenthesis, as applicable (see 3;1.2.7);

    3. the primary hazard class or, when assigned, the division of the goods, including, for class 1, the compatibility group letter. The words "Class" or "Division" may be included preceding the primary hazard class or division numbers;

    4. subsidiary hazard class or division number(s) corresponding to the subsidiary risk label(s) required to be applied, when assigned, shall be entered following the primary hazard class or division and shall be enclosed in parenthesis. The words "Class" or "Division" may be included preceding the subsidiary hazard class or division numbers;

    5. where assigned, the packing group for the substance or article, which may be preceded by "PG" (e.g."PG II").

  2. Sequence of the dangerous goods description

    The five elements of dangerous goods description specified in must be shown in the order listed above (i.e. a), b), c), d), e)), with no information interspersed, except as provided in these Instructions.

5; Radioactive material

  1. The following information shall be included for each consignment of class 7 material, as applicable, in the order given:

    1. The name or symbol of each radionuclide or, for mixtures of radionuclides, an appropriate general description or a list of the most restrictive nuclides;

      Note.- When Table 2-13 is used, refer to 5; g) for additional information required on the dangerous goods transport document.

    2. A description of the physical and chemical form of the material, or a notation that the material is special form radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material. A generic chemical description is acceptable for chemical form;

      Note.- For empty Type B(U) or Type B(M) packages as specified in the Note to 2;, the name or symbol of the radionuclide of the shielding material followed by the physical and chemical form must be included (e.g. U-dep., solid, metal oxide) in which case the indicated radionuclide may differ from the radionuclide(s) authorized in the package design certificate.

    3. The maximum activity of the radioactive contents during transport expressed in units of becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate SI prefix symbol (see 1;3.2). For fissile material, the mass of fissile material (or mass of each fissile nuclide for mixtures when appropriate) in units of grams (g), or appropriate multiples thereof, may be used in place of activity;

    4. The category of the package and if applicable for the overpack and freight container, as assigned per, i.e. I-WHITE, II-YELLOW, III-YELLOW;

    5. The transport index as determined per and (except for category I-WHITE);

    6. For fissile material:

      1. shipped under one exception of 2; a) to f), reference to that paragraph;

      2. shipped under 2; c) to e), the total mass of fissile nuclides;

      3. contained in a package for which one of 6;7.10.2 a) to c) or 6;7.10.3 is applied, reference to that paragraph; and

      4. the criticality safety index, where applicable.

    7. The identification mark for each competent authority certificate of approval (special form radioactive material, low dispersible radioactive material, fissile material excepted under 2; f), special arrangement, package design, or shipment) applicable to the consignment;

    8. For consignments of more than one package, the information contained in a) to c) and a) to g) must be given for each package. For packages in an overpack or freight container, a detailed statement of the contents of each package within the overpack or freight container and, where appropriate, of each overpack or freight container must be included. If packages are to be removed from the overpack or freight container at a point of intermediate unloading, appropriate transport documents must be made available;

    9. Where a consignment is required to be shipped under exclusive use, the statement "EXCLUSIVE USE SHIPMENT"; and

    10. for LSA-II, LSA-III, SCO-I and SCO-II, the total activity of the consignment as a multiple of A2. For radioactive material for which the A2 value is unlimited, the multiple of A2 shall be zero.

  2. The shipper must provide a statement regarding actions, if any, that are required to be taken by the carrier. The statement must be in the languages deemed necessary by the carrier or the authorities concerned, and must include at least the following points:

    1. Supplementary requirements for loading, stowage, carriage, handling and unloading of the package, overpack or freight container including any special stowage provisions for the safe dissipation of heat (see 7;, or a statement that no such requirements are necessary;

    2. Restrictions on the type of aircraft and any necessary routeing instructions;

    3. Emergency arrangements appropriate to the consignment.

  3. In all cases of international transport of packages requiring competent authority approval of design or shipment, for which different approval types apply in the different countries concerned by the shipment, the UN number and proper shipping name required in must be in accordance with the certificate of the country of origin of design.

  4. The applicable competent authority certificates need not necessarily accompany the consignment. The shipper must make them available.

5; Additional requirements

  1. except for radioactive material, the packing instruction applied. For shipments of lithium batteries prepared in accordance with Section IB of Packing Instruction 965 or Packing Instruction 968, the letters "IB" must be added following the packing instruction number;

  2. when applicable, reference to Special Provision A1, A2, A4, A5, A51, A88, A99, A176, A190, A191, A201, A202, A211 or, A212, A224 or A225;

  3. a statement indicating that the shipment is within the limitations prescribed for either passenger and cargo aircraft or cargo-only aircraft, as appropriate;

    Note.- To qualify as acceptable for transport aboard passenger aircraft, passenger aircraft packing instruction number(s) must be used, and the package must not bear the "Cargo aircraft only" label. To qualify as acceptable for transport aboard cargo-only aircraft, cargo aircraft packing instruction number(s) must be used, and the package must bear the "Cargo aircraft only" label; or passenger aircraft instruction number(s) must be shown and no "Cargo aircraft only" label applied. However, where the packing instruction number(s) and the permitted quantity per package are identical for passenger and cargo aircraft, the "Cargo aircraft only" label should not be used.

  4. special handling information, when appropriate;

  5. an indication that an overpack has been used, when appropriate;

  6. the "Q" value rounded up to the first decimal place, if substances are packed in accordance with 3;4.3.3 or 4;1.1.9 e); and

  7. for individual radionuclides or for mixtures of radionuclides for which relevant data are not available or which are not listed in Table 2-12 and where Table 2-13 was used to determine the maximum allowed activity, the use of Table 2-13 must be referenced as well as the radioactive contents as specified in the first column of Table 2-13. For example: "Table 2-13 used. Only beta- or gamma- emitting nuclides are known to be present".

5;4.1.6 Certification

  1. The dangerous goods transport document must include a certification or declaration that the consignment is acceptable for transport and that the goods are properly packaged, marked and labelled, and in proper condition for transport in accordance with the applicable regulations and including additional air transport requirements of these Instructions (examples of additional air transport requirements are indicated in 5;1.1).

    The text for this certification is:

    "I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labelled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations."

    For air transport the following additional statement is required:

    "I declare that all of the applicable air transport requirements have been met."

    The certification must be signed and dated by the shipper. Facsimile signatures are acceptable where applicable laws and regulations recognize the legal validity of facsimile signatures.

    Note.- The word "placarded" is not essential for shipments by air.

  2. If the dangerous goods documentation is presented to the operator by means of EDP or EDI transmission techniques, the signature(s) may be electronic signature(s) or may be replaced by the name(s) (in capitals) of the person authorized to sign. Where the original consignment details are provided to an operator, by EDP or EDI techniques, and subsequently the consignment is transhipped to an operator that requires a paper dangerous goods transport document, the operator must ensure the paper document indicates "Original Received Electronically" and the name of the signatory must be shown in capital letters.

  3. In addition to the languages which may be required by the State of Origin, English should be used for the dangerous goods transport document.


When an air waybill is issued for a consignment for which a dangerous goods transport document is required, the air waybill must contain a statement to indicate that the dangerous goods are described on an accompanying dangerous goods transport document. An air waybill issued for a consignment must, when applicable, indicate that the consignment must be loaded on cargo aircraft only.

Exceptions and Agreements

ExceptionTitleTextValidityScope according
8Beförderung gefährlicher Güter mit FährenAusnahme 8 (B) Beförderung gefährlicher Güter mit Fähren 1 Abweichend von § 1 Absatz 3 Nummer 3 der GGVSEB in Verbindung mit Absatz, Abschnitt 1.16.3 und 1.16.4, Abschnitt 8.3.1 sowie Teil 7 und Kapitel 9.1 ADN dürfen gefährliche Güter auf Fahrzeugen (Beförderungseinheiten) mit Fähren nur befördert werden, wenn die nachstehenden ergänzenden Vorschriften eingehalten werden. Vorschriften, die nur für offene Fähren oder nur für gedeckte oder geschlossene Fähren gelten, sind mit einer entsprechenden Überschrift unmittelbar vor der betreffenden Bestimmung versehen. 2 Bau und Ausrüstung 2.1 Offene Fähren Das Fahrbahndeck muss an mindestens zwei Seiten offen sein. Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Das Fahrzeugdeck muss mit einer mechanischen Lüftung versehen sein, deren Kapazität ausreicht, um einen 20fachen Luftwechsel pro Stunde im Fahrzeugdeck zu erzielen. Hierbei ist mit dem Volumen des leeren Fahrzeugdecks zu rechnen. Der Ventilator muss so ausgeführt sein, dass Funkenbildung bei Berührung eines Flügels mit dem Ventilatorgehäuse sowie elektrostatische Aufladung ausgeschlossen sind. Der Ventilator ist so anzuordnen oder zu schützen, dass keine Gegenstände hineingelangen können. Die Luftführung muss so angeordnet sein, dass die abgesaugte Luft nicht wieder in Schiffsräume eindringen kann. Die Absaugschächte müssen bis zu 50 Millimeter Abstand an das Fahrzeugdeck geführt sein und sich an dessen äußeren Enden befinden. Sind die Absaugschächte abnehmbar, müssen sie für den Zusammenbau mit dem Ventilator geeignet sein und sicher befestigt werden können. Der Schutz gegen Witterungseinflüsse und Spritzwasser muss gegeben sein. Die Zuluft muss während des Ventilierens gewährleistet sein. 2.2 Das Fahrbahndeck oder Fahrzeugdeck muss wasserdicht und aus Stahl sein. Ist auf das Fahrbahndeck oder Fahrzeugdeck ein zusätzlicher Belag aufgebracht, muss er aus schwer entflammbarem und nicht saugfähigem Material sein. 2.3 Es dürfen keine Zugänge und Ausstiege im Fahrbahndeck oder Fahrzeugdeck vorhanden sein, die während des normalen Betriebs der Fähre begangen werden. Andere Zugänge und Ausstiege müssen in geschlossenem Zustand wasserdicht sein. 2.4 Für Beförderungseinheiten sind Stellplätze festzulegen; diese sind auf dem Fahrbahndeck oder Fahrzeugdeck kenntlich zu machen. Die Stellplätze müssen folgende Anforderungen erfüllen: 2.4.1 Im Umkreis von 3 Meter um die Stellplätze und 2 Meter über der im Zulassungszeugnis der Fähre festgelegten größten Höhe der Beförderungseinheiten müssen folgende Anforderungen erfüllt sein: Offene Fähren Die elektrischen Anlagen müssen mindestens der Vorschrift für elektrische Einrichtung vom Typ "begrenzte Explosionsgefahr" für die Temperaturklasse T3 im Sinne des Abschnitts 1.2.1 ADN entsprechen. Gedeckte/geschlossene Fähren Die elektrischen Anlagen müssen mindestens der Vorschrift für elektrische Einrichtung vom Typ "begrenzte Explosionsgefahr" für die Temperaturklasse T4 im Sinne des Abschnitts 1.2.1 ADN entsprechen. Zu- und Ablüfter müssen wasserdicht verschließbar sein. Offene Fähren Nieder- und Eingänge zu Unterdecksräumen und Seitenräumen und sonstige Öffnungen müssen sprühwasserdicht und wetterdicht sein, wobei die Süllhöhe nicht unter 300 Millimeter betragen darf. Mündungen von Abgasrohren von Maschinen oder Heizanlagen müssen mit Vorrichtungen zum Schutz gegen das Austreten von Funken ausgerüstet sein. 2.4.2 Offene Fähren Die Stellplätze dürfen nicht überbaut sein. Steuerhäuser und Geräteträger dürfen sich über den Stellplätzen befinden, wenn die Vorschriften der Nummer 2.4.1 eingehalten sind. 2.4.3 Die Stellplätze sind durch geeignete Maßnahmen gegen den Zutritt Unbefugter zu sichern. 2.5 Die Antriebsmaschinen der Fähren müssen unter Deck oder in einem geschlossenen Maschinenraum aufgestellt sein. Der Maschinenraum muss so gebaut und eingerichtet sein, dass ein auf dem Fahrbahndeck oder Fahrzeugdeck frei werdendes Dampf/Luft-Gemisch weder von der Antriebsmaschine angesaugt werden kann, noch in das Innere des Maschinenraums gelangen kann. 2.6 Es muss eine Sprechfunkanlage für den öffentlichen Fernsprechdienst vorhanden sein. 2.7 Unbeschadet der Vorschriften der Binnenschiffsuntersuchungsordnung vom 21. Septmber 2018 (BGBl. I S. 1398) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung sind folgende Maßnahmen zu treffen: 2.7.1 Im Maschinenraum und in einem eventuell vorhandenen Heizungsraum muss eine fest eingebaute Feuerlöschanlage vorhanden sein, die im Steuerhaus ausgelöst werden kann. Für Fähren, deren Kiel vor dem 1. Januar 1994 gelegt worden ist, reicht es aus, wenn die Feuerlöschanlage außerhalb des Aufstellungsraumes von gut zugänglicher Stelle an Deck ausgelöst werden kann. 2.7.2 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Das Fahrzeugdeck muss mit einer Feuerlöschanlage ausgerüstet sein. Die Anlage muss entweder automatisch ausgelöst werden oder es muss eine ständige Überwachung der Beförderungseinheiten durch die Besatzung erfolgen oder es muss eine vollständige Videoüberwachung des Fahrzeugdecks vorhanden sein. 2.7.3 Im Bereich des Fahrbahndecks oder Fahrzeugdecks und der Aufenthaltsräume für Fahrgäste muss jede beliebige Stelle von mindestens zwei örtlich verschiedenen Hydranten mit je einer einzigen Schlauchlänge von höchstens 20 Meter Länge erreicht werden können. Feuerlöschschläuche müssen an die Hydranten fest angeschlossen sein. 2.7.4 Die Hydranten müssen durch eine fest eingebaute Feuerlöschpumpe versorgt werden, die im Steuerhaus oder von einer gut zugänglichen Stelle an Deck in Betrieb genommen werden kann. 2.7.5 Offene Fähren Zusätzlich zu den nach der Binnenschiffsuntersuchungsordnung geforderten Feuerlöschern ist je ein Feuerlöscher vorn und achtern im Bereich des Fahrbahndecks anzubringen. Gedeckte/geschlossene Fähren Zusätzlich zu den nach der Binnenschiffsuntersuchungsordnung geforderten Handfeuerlöschern sind Feuerlöscher gemäß Notfallplan an Bord zu platzieren 2.8 Wenn die Bau- und Ausrüstungsvorschriften der Nummern 2.1 bis 2.7 nicht eingehalten sind, dürfen nur die freigestellten Mengen nach Unterabschnitt ADN oder Beförderungseinheiten ohne Kennzeichnung nach Unterabschnitt ADR und Tankfahrzeuge mit gefährlichen Gütern der UN-Nummer 1202 befördert werden. Ein Zulassungszeugnis nach Absatz ADN ist in diesem Fall nicht erforderlich. 3 Betriebsvorschriften 3.0 Diese Betriebsvorschriften gelten auch in den Fällen der Nummer 2.8. 3.1 Pflichten des Fährbetreibers und des Fährpersonals 3.1.1 Der Fährbetreiber hat sicherzustellen, dass der Fahrzeugführer einer Beförderungseinheit mit gefährlichen Gütern in geeigneter Weise auf seine nachfolgend genannten Pflichten hingewiesen wird. Der Hinweis kann insbesondere durch Aufstellen von Hinweisschildern oder durch mündliche Unterrichtung durch den Fährbetreiber oder das Fährpersonal erfolgen. 3.1.2 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Für jede Fähre ist ein Notfallplan aufzustellen, in dem Angaben über die Platzierung der Feuerlöscher, der Hydranten, das Verhalten der Besatzung in Notfällen und der zu unterrichtenden zuständigen Behörden enthalten sind und der EmS-Leitfaden "Unfallbekämpfungsmaßnahmen für Schiffe, die gefährliche Güter befördern" Berücksichtigung findet. Der Notfallplan ist durch die Reederei aufzustellen und muss mit der den Fährbetrieb genehmigenden Behörde abgestimmt sein. 3.1.3 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Während der Beförderung gefährlicher Güter muss ein Sachkundiger gemäß Unterabschnitt ADN mit gültiger Bescheinigung an Bord sein. 3.1.4 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Die Besatzung muss gemäß den Seeverkehrsvorschriften eine Sicherheits- und Brandschutzausbildung erhalten haben und regelmäßig darin unterwiesen werden. 3.2 Pflichten des Fährführers 3.2.1 Offene Fähren Der Fährführer darf, wenn Fahrgäste an Bord sind, je Überfahrt nur eine mit gefährlichen Gütern beladene Beförderungseinheit und deren Mitglieder der Fahrzeugbesatzung befördern. Sofern die baulichen Voraussetzungen der Nummer 2, ausgenommen über die Kenntlichmachung der Stellplätze auf dem Fahrbahndeck, erfüllt sind, dürfen auch mehrere Beförderungseinheiten mit gefährlichen Gütern und deren Mitglieder der Fahrzeugbesatzung befördert werden, wenn keine Fahrgäste an Bord sind. 3.2.2 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Es dürfen nur gefährliche Güter der Klassen 1.4S, 3, 4.1 (mit Ausnahme von selbstzersetzlichen Stoffen), 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8 und 9 befördert werden. Temperaturkontrollierte Stoffe dieser Gefahrgutklassen dürfen nicht befördert werden. 3.2.3 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Während der Be- und Entladung der Fähre sind die Bug- und Hecktore vollständig zu öffnen. 3.2.4 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Der Fährführer hat dafür zu sorgen, dass die Beförderungseinheiten mit gefährlichen Gütern vor dem Auffahren auf die Fähre auf austretendes Gefahrgut hin kontrolliert werden. 3.2.5 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Der Fährführer hat dafür zu sorgen, dass alle Motoren, Fremdheizungen und Kühlgeräte von allen abgestellten Fahrzeugen auf dem Fahrzeugdeck abgeschaltet sind. 3.2.6 Gedeckte / geschlossene Fähren Es dürfen sich während der Überfahrt außer den Mitgliedern der Fahrzeugbesatzung keine Fahrgäste auf dem Fahrzeugdeck aufhalten. 3.2.7 Der Fährführer hat sicherzustellen, dass die Beförderungseinheit mit gefährlichen Gütern als erstes oder letztes Fahrzeug auf die Fähre auffährt, sofern nicht ausschließlich Beförderungseinheiten mit gefährlichen Gütern und deren Mitglieder der Fahrzeugbesatzung befördert werden. 3.2.8 Der Fährführer hat dafür zu sorgen, dass während der Beförderung rund um die Beförderungseinheit mit gefährlichen Gütern ein Schutzbereich von mindestens 1 Meter frei und begehbar bleibt. 3.2.9 Der Fährführer hat einen Abdruck dieser Ausnahme an Bord mitzuführen. 3.2.10 Die für die jeweilige Wasserstraße erlassenen Verkehrsvorschriften bleiben unberührt. 3.3 Pflichten des Fahrzeugführers der Beförderungseinheit mit gefährlichen Gütern 3.3.1 Der Fahrzeugführer muss vor der Auffahrt auf die Fähre den Fährführer durch Vorlage des Beförderungspapiers über die Art der Ladung und die sich daraus ergebenden Gefahren in Kenntnis setzen. 3.3.2 Der Fahrzeugführer muss an Bord der Fähre die Beförderungseinheit durch Anziehen der Feststellbremse und Unterlegen von Keilen gegen Wegrollen und Wegrutschen sichern. 3.3.3 Offene Fähren Der Fahrzeugführer ist während der Überfahrt zur Überwachung der Beförderungseinheit verpflichtet. 3.3.4 Wird vor Auffahrt auf die Fähre austretendes gefährliches Gut festgestellt oder wird die in Nummer 3.3.1 bestimmte Pflicht nicht erfüllt, darf der Fahrzeugführer die Beförderungseinheit nicht auf die Fähre fahren. 3.3.5 Der Fahrzeugführer hat unbeschadet der Ausnahme 18 das für die Beförderung auf der Straße nach dem ADR erforderliche Beförderungspapier mitzuführen. 3.3.6 Der Fahrzeugführer hat die für die Beförderung auf der Straße erforderlichen schriftlichen Weisungen nach Abschnitt 5.4.3 ADR mitzuführen. Werden für die Beförderung nach dem ADR keine schriftlichen Weisungen benötigt, sind diese auch für die Beförderung mit der Fähre nicht erforderlich. 4 Zulassungszeugnis Im Zulassungszeugnis muss für die Fähre abweichend von Abschnitt 1.16.3 ADN von einer Schiffsuntersuchungskommission bestätigt sein, dass die Vorschriften der Nummer 2 eingehalten sind. 5 Sonstige Vorschriften Die Vorschriften der Fährenbetriebsverordnung vom 24. Mai 1995 (BGBl. I S. 752) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung, bleiben unberührt.unlimitedBinnenschifffahrt
31Prüfungsfahrten bei technischen UntersuchungenAusnahme 31 (S) Prüfungsfahrten bei technischen Untersuchungen 1 Abweichend von § 1 Absatz 3 Nummer 1 der GGVSEB in Verbindung mit Unterabschnitt ADR müssen die nach § 14 Absatz 4 und 5 der GGVSEB zuständigen Sachverständigen und die Mitarbeiter der Technischen Dienste nicht im Besitz einer Bescheinigung über die Fahrzeugführerschulung sein, wenn die nachfolgenden Bestimmungen eingehalten werden. 2 Bei Prüfungsfahrten im Zusammenhang mit der Durchführung von Untersuchungen nach den §§ 19, 21 und 29 der Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung sowie technischen Untersuchungen gemäß Teil 9 ADR müssen die Personen von einem Inhaber der vorgenannten Bescheinigung begleitet werden. Der Inhaber der Bescheinigung ist verantwortlich für die Einhaltung der Gefahrgutvorschriften im Sinne der §§ 28 und 29 Absatz 1 bis 4 der GGVSEB. 3 Befristung Die Ausnahme ist bis zum 30. Juni 2027 befristet.Jun 30, 2027Straße
32Beförderungen durch zivile Unternehmen im Auftrag und unter der Verantwortung der BundeswehrAusnahme 32 (S, E) Beförderungen durch zivile Unternehmen im Auftrag und unter der Verantwortung der Bundeswehr 1 Abweichend von § 1 Absatz 3 Nummer 1 in Verbindung mit § 5 Absatz 6 der GGVSEB dürfen folgende Allgemeine Ausnahmegenehmigungen der Bundeswehr zur Gefahrgutverordnung Straße, Eisenbahn und Binnenschifffahrt (GGVSEB)*) auch durch zivile Unternehmen angewendet werden, die im Auftrag und unter der Verantwortung der Bundeswehr gefährliche Güter befördern: a) Bw 01 (S, E) AGGABw "Mitführen" gefährlicher Güter auf der Straße und der Eisenbahn mit Fahrzeugen der Bundeswehr b) Bw 17 (S, E) AGGABw Kennzeichnung von Gegenständen/Versandstücken gefährlicher Güter mit Gefahrzetteln geringerer Größe c) Bw 21 (S, E) AGGABw Beförderung gefährlicher Güter Klasse 1 in (alt-)palettierten Versandstücken/geeigneten Handhabungseinrichtungen; keine Kennzeichnung mit Gefahrzetteln Nr. 8; Kennzeichnung mit Gefahrzetteln geringerer Abmessungen d) Bw 23 (S, E) AGGABw Zusammenpacken von Gegenständen der Klasse 1 mit nicht gefährlichen Gütern (Zubehör) e) Bw 24 (S, E) AGGABw Keine Mitnahme der Genehmigung zur Beförderung von n.a.g.-Gütern und Feuerwerkskörpern der Klasse 1 f) Bw 25 (S) AGGABw Beförderung von Resten oder Komponenten gefährlicher Güter Klasse 1, die beim Verschuss anfallen g) Bw 27 (S, E) AGGABw Verpackungen für militärische Güter der Klasse 1 h) Bw 29 (S) AGGABw Beförderung von Resten und/oder Komponenten gefährlicher Güter der Klasse 1 in Originalverpackungen unter Verzicht auf die vorgeschriebene Metallbebänderung. 2 Angaben im Beförderungspapier Zusätzlich zu den sonst vorgeschriebenen Angaben ist zu vermerken: "Ausnahme 32 (BwXX)", wobei XX der Nummer der Allgemeinen Ausnahmegenehmigung der Bundeswehr gemäß Nummer 1 Buchstabe a bis h entspricht. -------- *) Die Allgemeinen Ausnahmegenehmigungen können auch beim Bundesamt für Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen der Bundeswehr, Abteilung gesetzliche Schutzaufgaben, Referat Grundsatz Gefahrgutwesen (BAUIDBw GS III 1), Fontainengraben 200, Postfach 29 63, 53123 Bonn, angefordert werden.unlimitedStraße, Schiene
33Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf Fährschiffen, die Küstenschifffahrt betreibenAusnahme 33 (M) Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf Fährschiffen, die Küstenschifffahrt betreiben 1 Abweichend von § 3 Absatz 1 der GGVSee dürfen gefährliche Güter auf Fährschiffen, die Küstenschifffahrt im Sinne des § 1 der Verordnung über die Küstenschifffahrt vom 5. Juli 2002 (BGBl. I S. 2555), die zuletzt durch Artikel 176 des Gesetzes vom 29. März 2017 (BGBl. I S. 626) geändert worden ist, betreiben, sowie auf der Fährstrecke Eemshaven/Borkum befördert werden, wenn die nachfolgenden Bestimmungen beachtet werden. 2 Anwendungsbereich Mit Ausnahme der unter Nummer 3 genannten gefährlichen Güter dürfen gefährliche Güter in CTU nur befördert werden, wenn - sie den Klassen 1 bis 9 ADR oder IMDG-Code zugeordnet und zur Beförderung zugelassen sind und - während der gesamten Dauer der Beförderung eine Wellenhöhe von nicht mehr als 1,5 Meter zu erwarten ist. Der Schiffsführer sorgt eigenverantwortlich für die Einhaltung dieser Bedingung. 3 Von der Ausnahme ausgenommene gefährliche Güter Es dürfen nicht befördert werden: - Güter der Klasse 1, ausgenommen UN 0336, UN 0337, UN 0431 und UN 0503 - Güter der Klasse 5.2 - Güter der Klassen 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.1 und 8, die der Verpackungsgruppe I zugewiesen sind. 4 Eignungsbescheinigung Für die Fährschiffe muss eine Bescheinigung des Germanischen Lloyds vorliegen, aus der ersichtlich ist, dass das betreffende Schiff CTU des Straßenverkehrs oder andere rollbare CTU befördern darf. In der Bescheinigung ist der Stellplatz so festzulegen, dass rund um die CTU ein Schutzbereich von mindestens 1 Meter frei und begehbar bleibt. Zu den Maschinenräumen, Ventilatorein- und -austritten, sonstigen Zugängen zu Unterdecksräumen, sonstigen Decksöffnungen und zur Begrenzung des Maschinenraumdecks muss mindestens ein Abstand von 1 Meter eingehalten werden. Satz 3 gilt nicht für explosionsgeschützte Zugänge und Öffnungen. 5 Feuerlöscheinrichtungen Der Teil des Fährschiffes, der in der Bescheinigung nach Nummer 4 als Stellplatz für CTU mit gefährlichen Gütern zugelassen ist, muss von Strahlrohren mit einfacher Schlauchlänge erreicht werden können. Alle Strahlrohre müssen zugelassene Mehrzweckstrahlrohre (z. B. Sprüh-/Vollstrahlrohre) mit Absperrung sein. Sofern die Eigenschaften der gefährlichen Güter es erfordern, sind außerdem entsprechende Löschmittel mitzuführen. Zusätzlich müssen zwei mobile Luft-Schaum-Feuerlöscheinrichtungen, bestehend aus Zumischer, Luftschaumrohr mit mindestens 400 Liter/Minute Wasserdurchsatz und transportablen Behältern für Schaummittel, oder gleichwertige Feuerlöscheinrichtungen vorhanden sein. Die mitzuführende Schaummittelmenge muss je Löscher mindestens 300 Liter betragen. Die Feuerlöscheinrichtungen müssen bis zur Entladung der Fährschiffe mit CTU, die gefährliche Güter enthalten, einsatzbereit sein. 6 Mengengrenzen Es darf höchstens eine kennzeichnungspflichtige CTU des Straßenverkehrs (Beförderungseinheit im Sinne des Abschnitts 1.2.1 ADR) oder eine andere rollbare CTU mit gefährlichen Gütern je Fahrt befördert werden. Die gefährlichen Güter müssen hinsichtlich ihrer Klassifizierung, Verpackung, Kennzeichnung, Bezettelung und der Begleitpapiere dem jeweils gültigen ADR entsprechen. Enthalten die CTU gefährliche Güter innerhalb der Mengengrenzen der Tabelle in Unterabschnitt ADR oder gefährliche Güter, die nach Unterabschnitt Buchstabe c ADR freigestellt sind, hat der Fahrzeugführer den Schiffsführer über die Art und Menge der gefährlichen Güter vor Antritt der Fahrt zu informieren. 7 Meldepflichten Werden gefährliche Güter freigesetzt, muss die dem Ort des Gefahreneintritts nächstgelegene zuständige Behörde mit Benennung, Klasse und Menge der gefährlichen Güter unverzüglich informiert werden. 8 Sicherungsmaßnahmen Der Schiffsführer hat durch geeignete Maßnahmen dafür zu sorgen, dass der Stellplatz der CTU mit gefährlichen Gütern einschließlich des freien Schutzbereichs nach Nummer 4 von Unbefugten nicht betreten wird. Die Beförderungseinheiten sind gegen Wegrollen und Wegrutschen durch Anziehen der Feststellbremse, Unterlegen von Keilen vor und hinter mindestens je einem Rad an allen Achsen, und weitere Sicherungsmaßnahmen (z. B. Einlegen des 1. Ganges) zu sichern. 9 Angaben im Beförderungspapier Zusätzlich zu den sonst vorgeschriebenen Angaben ist zu vermerken: "Ausnahme 33". 10 Schriftliche Weisung Der Schiffsführer hat die schriftlichen Weisungen nach Abschnitt 5.4.3 ADR griffbereit auf der Brücke vorzuhalten. 11 Anlaufbedingungsverordnung Die Anlaufbedingungsverordnung vom 18. Februar 2004 (BGBl. I S. 300), die durch Artikel 3 der Verordnung vom 28. Juni 2016 (BGBl. I S. 1504) geändert worden ist, gilt mit der Maßgabe, dass Nummer 2.5 der Anlage zu § 1 Absatz 1 anzuwenden ist.unlimitedSeeverkehr
34Beförderung gefährlicher Güter zur Offshore-VersorgungAusnahme 34 (M) Beförderunggefährlicher Güter zur Offshore-Versorgung Abweichend von § 3 Absatz 1 Nummer 1 der GGVSee dürfen gefährliche Güter auf Seeschiffen im Verkehr zu Offshore-Anlagen und -Baustellen unter Einhaltung der nachfolgenden Bestimmungen befördert werden: 1 Art der Beförderungsdurchführung Die gefährlichen Güter werden von Unternehmen in Verbindung mit ihrer Haupttätigkeit als Lieferung oder Rücklieferung zu Offshore-Anlagen oder -Baustellen zum Zweck der Errichtung, des Betriebs, der Instandhaltung und der Wartung befördert. 2 Verpackung und Kennzeichnung von Versandstücken 2.1 Die gefährlichen Güter sind nach Kapitel 4.1 in Verbindung mit den Kapiteln 6.1, 6.2, 6.5 und 6.6 des IMDG-Codes oder des ADR/RID zu verpacken. 2.2 Die Versandstücke sind nach Kapitel 5.2 des IMDG-Codes oder des ADR/RID zu kennzeichnen und zu bezetteln. Die Kennzeichnung mit dem richtigen technischen Namen der gefährlichen Güter ist nicht erforderlich. 3 Dokumentation 3.1 Für alle an Bord befindlichen gefährlichen Güter müssen die auf die jeweiligen Stoffe und Gegenstände zutreffenden Sicherheitsdatenblätter mitgeführt werden. Dies gilt nicht für Gegenstände, für die kein Sicherheitsdatenblatt nach Artikel 31 in Verbindung mit Anlage II der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vorgeschrieben ist. 3.2 Zusätzlich ist ein Verzeichnis mitzuführen, in dem die gefährlichen Güter mit folgenden Angaben aufgeführt sind: a) die UN-Nummer, der die Buchstaben "UN" vorangestellt werden, b) der richtige technische Name nach Spalte 2 der Gefahrgutliste des IMDG-Codes, c) die Klasse der Hauptgefahr oder, falls zugeordnet, Unterklasse der Güter sowie bei Klasse 1 der Buchstabe der Verträglichkeitsgruppe, d) die gegebenenfalls zugeordnete(n) Nummer(n) für die Klasse oder Unterklasse der Zusatzgefahr und e) gegebenenfalls die dem Stoff oder Gegenstand zugeordnete Verpackungsgruppe. 4 Ladung Die Versandstücke sind in geeignete und zugelassene Offshore-Container zu verladen, die den Anforderungen des Unterabschnitts des IMDG-Codes entsprechen. Alternativ können Lagerschränke nach der DIN EN 14470-1:2004 verwendet werden. Die Güter sind unter Beachtung der Vorschriften des Abschnitts 7.3.3 des IMDG-Codes in die Container oder in die Lagerschränke zu stauen, mit der Ausnahme, dass anstelle der in Unterabschnitt des IMDG-Codes in Bezug genommenen Trennvorschriften die Zusammenladeverbote nach den Abschnitten 7.5.2 und 7.5.4 des ADR Anwendung finden. Ist die Zusammenladung verboten, sind verschiedene Container oder Lagerschränke zu verwenden, die in einem Abstand von mindestens 0,5 Meter an Bord des Schiffes aufgestellt sind. Die Bestimmungen über die Kennzeichnung und Plakatierung in Unterabschnitt erster Satz des IMDG-Codes und die Bestimmungen zum CTU-Packzertifikat in Unterabschnitt des IMDG-Codes finden keine Anwendung. 5 Menge der Güter Die Bruttomasse aller gefährlichen Güter darf 3 000 Kilogramm nicht überschreiten, wobei die Bruttomasse der gefährlichen Güter, die der Verpackungsgruppe I zugeordnet sind sowie der gefährlichen Güter der Klassen 1 und 2.3, insgesamt 300 Kilogramm nicht überschreiten darf. 6 Von der Freistellung ausgenommene Güter Nicht befördert werden dürfen: a) gefährliche Güter, die in Tanks befördert werden, b) gefährliche Güter, deren Beförderung nach den Vorschriften des IMDG-Codes verboten ist oder für die die Verpackungsanweisung P 099 vorgeschrieben ist, c) gefährliche Güter der Klasse 1 mit den Klassifizierungscodes 1.1 A, 1.1 L, 1.2 K, 1.2 L, 1.3 K und 1.3 L sowie der UN-Nummer 0190, d) selbstzersetzliche Stoffe der Klasse 4.1, organische Peroxide der Klasse 5.2, polymerisierende Stoffe und entzündbare Gase und flüssige Stoffe mit einem Flammpunkt unter 23 °C, die unter Temperaturkontrolle zu befördern sind, e) Stoffe der Klassen 4.1 und 5.2, die zusätzlich mit dem Gefahrzettel "EXPLOSIVE" Muster 1 zu versehen sind, f) gefährliche Güter der Klasse 6.2, Kategorie A und g) gefährliche Güter der Klasse 7 mit Ausnahme der UN-Nummern 2908, 2909, 2910 und 2911.unlimitedSeeverkehr

Signatory StatesPublishing Status

Memorandum of Understanding:

Memorandum of Understanding for the Transport of Packaged Dangerous Goods on Ro-Ro Ships in the Baltic Sea

  1. The competent authorities of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden authorize the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by exemption in accordance with of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).

  2. This MoU lays down the exemptions (Annex 1) from the provisions of the IMDG Code when transporting dangerous goods covered by Appendix C (Regulations Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)) to the Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) or Annexes A and B of the Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) on board ro-ro ships in the Baltic Sea.

  3. Amendments to this MoU shall be made in accordance with the principles in Annex 2.

  4. This MoU is not intended to supersede national or international law.

  5. This MoU shall come into force on 1 January 2023. It shall replace the Memorandum of Understanding, Lübeck 04-06 April 2017 edition as revised under the chairmanship of Germany. This MoU is valid until revoked or replaced with a new edition by the competent authorities.

Annex 1

Memorandum of Understanding for the Transport of Packaged Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea

Section 1 Scope

By derogation from the provisions of the IMDG Code, the present provisions (hereinafter this MoU) may be applied on all ro-ro ships operating within the Baltic Sea proper, the Gulf of Bothnia, the Gulf of Finland and the entrance to the Baltic Sea bounded in the north by the line Skaw-Lysekil.

Section 2 Definitions

  1. The terms used in this MoU refer to the IMDG Code except those listed below in this section.

  2. Shipowner means company as defined in the ISM Code.

  3. Low Wave Height Area (LWHA) is a sea area where according to the Agreement concerning specific stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships undertaking regular scheduled international voyages between or to or from designated ports in North West Europe and the Baltic Sea, 28 February 1996 (Stockholm Agreement), put into effect on 1 April 1997, the significant wave height does not exceed 2.3 metres by a probability of more than 10 % on a yearly basis (see Appendix 1 of Annex 1). Traffic in other areas can be considered as LWHA traffic by the competent authorities concerned if an equivalent level of safety can be assured.

Section 3 Exempted dangerous goods

  1. Sections 3.4.4, 3.4.6 and 3.5.6 and chapter 5.4 of the IMDG Code need not be applied to dangerous goods transported in accordance with Chapter 3.4 and/or 3.5 of ADR/RID provided that the master has been informed by the consignor or his representative of the UN number(s) as well as class(es) of the respective dangerous goods. However, that information is not required for transport in accordance with subsection of ADR/RID. Subsection of the IMDG Code needs not be applied if the cargo transport unit (CTU) is marked in accordance with section 10 (1) c) of this MoU.

  2. The provisions of the IMDG Code need not be applied to dangerous goods exempted in accordance with paragraphs (c) - (f) or (a), (c) or (e) or of ADR/RID provided that the master has been informed by the consignor or his representative that these paragraphs of ADR/RID are applied. This information is not required for dangerous goods exempted by the IMDG Code. However, UN 1327 shall be transported in accordance with the provisions of the IMDG Code.

  3. By derogation from the provisions of the IMDG Code, dangerous goods may be exempted in accordance with chapter of the ADR, provided that the maximum quantity of flammable liquids in recepta-cle(-s) carried by private individual(-s) is no more than 25 litres per vehicle in total. Maximum size of recep-tacle shall not exceed 25 litres.

  4. Irrespective of special provision 961 of the IMDG Code, the consignor or his representative shall inform the master of the presence of a vehicle (UN 3166 or UN 3171) when the vehicle is loaded in a closed or sheeted CTU.

Section 4 Training

Consignors and shipowners shall ensure that the persons involved in the transport of CTUs under the provisions of this MoU are made familiar, through repeated training, with the application of this MoU including the relevant provisions of ADR/RID commensurate with their responsibilities. Records of the training shall be kept by consignors and shipowners and made available to the employee or competent authority upon request.

Section 5 Classification

Dangerous goods may be classified in accordance with part 2, chapters 3.2 and 3.3 of ADR/RID. However, substances assigned to special provision 900 of the IMDG Code are prohibited from transport.

Section 6 Use of packagings

Dangerous goods may be packaged in accordance with chapter 4.1 of ADR/RID, except that the packing instruction R001 in section 4.1.4 of ADR/RID may only be applied for traffic in LWHA.

Section 7 Use of tanks

Tanks may be used in accordance with chapter 4.2 of ADR/RID or chapter 4.3 of ADR/RID, except that tanks with open venting devices are not permitted on board ro-ro ships.

Section 8 Bulk transport

Dangerous goods may be transported in bulk in accordance with column 10 or 17 of Table A of chapter 3.2 and chapter 7.3 of ADR/RID with the following exceptions:

  1. For substances of class 4.3, only closed waterproof CTUs shall be used.

  2. For batteries assigned to UN 2794, UN 2795, UN 2800 or UN 3028, bulk transport is not permitted.

Section 9 Marking and labelling of packages

Packages may be marked and labelled in accordance with chapter 5.2 of ADR/RID.

Section 10 Placarding and marking of CTUs

  1. A CTU may be placarded and marked in accordance with chapter 5.3 of ADR/RID provided the following additional requirements are met:

    1. A CTU containing marine pollutants shall be marked in accordance with subsection of the IMDG Code except when marked in accordance with section 5.3.6 of ADR/RID.

    2. A trailer without a motor vehicle shall display two orange-coloured plates from the time it has been checked at the port facility and during the voyage except when placarded in accordance with section 5.3.1 of the IMDG Code. One of the plates shall be affixed at the front and the other at the rear of the trailer.

    3. A CTU as referred to in paragraph of ADR/RID shall display two orange-coloured plates from the time it has been checked at the port facility and during the voyage unless marked in accordance with chapter 3.4 of ADR/RID. One of the plates shall be affixed at the front and the other at the rear of the CTU for road transport or on both sides of the CTU for rail transport.

    4. A CTU as referred to in subsection of ADR shall display two orange-coloured plates from the time it has been checked at the port facility and during the voyage. One of the plates shall be affixed at the front and the other at the rear of the CTU.

  2. Additional plates required in accordance with paragraph (1) (b) to (d) shall be clearly visible and conform to paragraph of ADR/RID regarding size and colour. These plates need not bear UN numbers and hazard identification numbers. These plates may be replaced by self-adhesive sheets, by paint or by any other equivalent process. The responsibility for affixing such plates shall rest with the person actually placing the CTU ready for loading on board the ro-ro ship.

Section 11 Documentation

  1. The dangerous goods transport document may be issued in accordance with section 5.4.1 of ADR/RID provided the following additional requirements are met:

    1. When liquid dangerous goods with a flashpoint of 60 °C or below (closed cup (c. c.)) are to be transported, it shall be indicated whether the flashpoint is < 23 °C or ≥ 23 °C to ensure appropriate stowage.

    2. Marine pollutants shall be identified within the documentation as “MARINE POLLUTANT” or “MARINE POLLUTANT/ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS” if required by paragraph of the IMDG Code.

  2. By derogation from section 5.4.2 of the IMDG Code, a container/vehicle packing certificate (CTU packing certificate) needs not be provided for CTUs transported in accordance with subsections,, paragraphs or of ADR/RID.

  3. The packing certificate for CTUs packed in accordance with section 14 of this MoU shall state additionally: “Packed together in accordance with the MoU”.

  4. The following documentation (paper version or electronic version) is required aboard the ship:

    1. in addition to section 5.4.3 of the IMDG Code:

      • the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) and

      • the applicable Regulations Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) or Annexes A and B of the Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), as appropriate to the mode of transport;

    2. in accordance with subsection of the IMDG Code, the applicable edition of this MoU;

    3. the emergency response information in accordance with of the IMDG Code shall include the Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods (EmS) and the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG).

  5. By derogation from special provision 932 of the IMDG Code, the certificate is not required if aluminium ferrosilicon powder of UN number 1395, aluminium silicon powder, uncoated of UN number 1398, calcium silicide of UN number 1405 and ferrosilicon of UN number 1408 is transported in packagings.

Section 12 Stowage of CTUs

  1. By derogation from subsection and the stowage category in column 16a of the Dangerous Goods List of the IMDG Code, dangerous goods of classes 2 to 9 may be stowed in accordance with the table below.

    Stowage table for CTUs containing packaged dangerous goods of classes 2 to 9

    Note: Stowage shall also be in accordance with the Document of Compliance (SOLAS 1974, II2/19) or the Letter of Compliance referred to in section 16 (1) of this MoU.

    Description and class as specified in IMDG Code/RID/ADR Cargo ships or passenger ships carrying either not more than 25 passengers or 1 passenger per 3 metres of overall length *) Other passenger ships
    Description Class On deck Under deck On deck Under deck
    Gases 2
    - flammable gases 2.1 Permitted Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
    - non-flammable non-toxic gases. 2.2 Permitted Permitted 1) Permitted 1) Permitted 1)
    - toxic gases 2.3 Permitted Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
    Flammable liquids 3
    - packing group I or II Permitted Permitted Permitted Prohibited
    - packing group III Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
    Flammable solids 4.1
    - UN No. 1944, 1945, 2254, 2623 Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
    other UN numbers Permitted Prohibited Permitted Prohibited
    Substances liable to spontaneous combustion 4.2 Permitted Prohibited Permitted Prohibited
    Substances which give off flammable gases in contact with water 4.3 Permitted Prohibited Permitted Prohibited
    Oxidizing substances 5.1 Permitted Permitted Permitted Prohibited
    Organic peroxides 5.2 Permitted Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
    Toxic substances 6.1
    - packing group I or II Permitted Prohibited Permitted Prohibited
    - packing group III Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
    Infectious substances 6.2 Permitted Permitted Prohibited Prohibited
    Radioactive material 7 Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
    Corrosive substances 8
    - packing group I or II Permitted Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited
    - liquids packing group III Permitted Permitted Permitted Prohibited
    - solids packing group III Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
    Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles 9 Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted

    1)Refrigerated gases of ADR or of stowage category “D” of the IMDG Code are prohibited.
    *)For the purpose of this MoU, the total number of passengers may be extended to not more than 1 person per 1 metre of the overall length of the ship.
  2. A Letter of Compliance issued in accordance with previous editions of this MoU for ships constructed before 31 December 2002 is considered to be equivalent to an authorization in accordance with paragraph of the IMDG Code.

Section 13 Segregation of CTUs

By derogation from chapters 7.2 and 7.5 of the IMDG Code for classes 2 to 9 in LWHA traffic, no segregation is required between CTUs if segregation categories “away from” or “separated from” are applicable in accordance with the provisions of the IMDG Code.

Section 14 Packing of CTUs

By derogation from chapter 7.3 of the IMDG Code, for LWHA traffic, packages may be loaded together in the same CTU if segregation categories “away from” or “separated from” are applicable in accordance with the provisions of the IMDG Code. Substances and articles of class 1 or bearing a label of class 1 as a subsidiary hazard may be loaded together in the same CTU in accordance with section 7.5.2 of ADR/RID.

Section 15 Contact information for the main designated national competent authorities

The competent authorities in accordance with these provisions are:

Denmark Danish Maritime Authority
Caspar Brands Plads 9
DK-4220 Korsør
Estonia Estonian Transport Administration Maritime Safety and Supervision Department
Valge 4
EE-11413 Tallinn
Finland Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
P. O. Box 320
Germany Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport
P. O. Box 20 01 00
D-53170 BONN
Latvia Maritime Administration of Latvia
5 Trijadibas str.
LV-1048 RIGA
Lithuania Maritime Department of Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration
J. Janonio str. 24
Mr. Linas Kasparavičius
Director of Maritime Department
Poland Ministry of Infrastructure
Chałbinskiego 4/6 Str
PL-00-928 WARSAW
Sweden Swedish Transport Agency

Section 16 Transitional provisions

  1. Ships constructed before 1 September 1984 already provided with a Letter of Compliance in accordance with the Würzburg edition of the MoU may continue to stow dangerous goods in accordance with this Letter of Compliance.

  2. On board cargo ships and passenger ships carrying not more than 1 passenger per 1 meter length of the ship, CTUs may be stowed under deck in accordance with an approval of the competent authority having granted such a stowage until 31 December 2002 in this deck. In this case, section 13 of this MoU shall not be applied on that deck.

Annex 2

Principles for amending the Memorandum


  1. The MoU may be amended at a conference or through a written procedure.

  2. Conferences or written procedures should be so scheduled that amendments to the international transport regulations (ADR, RID and the IMDG Code) can be taken into account.

  3. A conference or a written procedure should be hosted by one of the participating countries usually in the following order: Germany, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia.

  4. Each participating country may propose amendments to the MoU. Amendments may also be proposed by observer states/organisations that have been accepted by the participating countries. The participating countries should agree on amendments by consensus.

  5. The revised MoU should be reproduced and circulated by the host when new amendments have been adopted. The amended parts of the text should be indicated in the margin.

  6. The revised MoU shall come into force six months after the new text is available or as otherwise decided.

  7. Distribution and communication in general should be performed by electronic means.


  1. Proposals should be sent to the host of the next conference at least 3 months before the conference takes place. The host should distribute the proposals to all participating countries and observer states/organisations at least 1 month before the conference. All participating countries and observer states/organisations shall have the opportunity to respond to the documents presented within a period of 2 weeks after the distribution.

  2. Working groups for special issues may be arranged in the time between the conferences. The reports or proposals from such working groups should be presented at the conference in the same way as other proposals. Working groups may also take place during a conference, and this should, if possible, be notified in advance.

Written procedure

  1. A written procedure can be used as an alternative to a conference providing this is proposed by the participating country designated to host the next conference. In such case the designated participating country will host the written procedure.

  2. A written procedure can also be initiated if at least 3 participating countries request it. In such case, the participating country who hosted the latest conference should host the written procedure.

  3. The host shall distribute proposals to the participating countries and announce the schedule for written comments. All participating countries should respond to the proposals within a period of 6 weeks. If the initial proposal is amended on the basis of comments of the participating countries, the revised proposal should be distributed again to the participating countries. From the time when the revised proposal is distributed, the participating countries shall declare within 4 weeks whether they agree to the amended text of the MoU.

  4. The amendments are adopted if supported by all participating countries. The host shall notify the adoption of the amendments and reproduce and circulate the revised MoU in accordance with paragraph 5.

  5. In such case all participating countries shall sign and return to the host a hard copy of the revised MoU. The signed hard copies shall be kept by the host.

Note: The data of Dangerous Goods Database has been compiled in good faith, liability for their accuracy can not be guaranteed.